Tuesday, April 22, 2008

living museum

Today was the opening of second grade's living museum. We've been so busy getting ready for it that we've neglected our blog! In the following posts, you'll see the children in their countries. They researched the way children live in their country, wrote a speech, painted a backdrop and put together a costume. The speeches with each picture are the ones written by the second graders.

I am SO proud of all their hard work! Everyone who has visited our museum has LOVED it. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour of the museum.

--Miss Christian


Anonymous said...

Good morning 2nd graders, I had the chance to visit your living museum and I loved it. You all did a great job ! Congratulations ! Carole Jeanclaude

Anonymous said...

Hallo second graders, we enjoyed the visit to your living museum very much. Costumes and background, it all was so nice.
Anne-Marie and Noor

Anonymous said...

Hello 2nd graders!
Aunt Hix and I extremely enjoyed your living museum! For Aunt Hix it was the first time to visit AAS - she comes from Vienna. We also had a funny journey back home with the "blue bus". You really do great things at your school with Ms Christian. Congratulations!

votemom said...

i loved your living museum! well done!