Tuesday, April 22, 2008

South Korea

Hi my names Sang
Yoon. I’m from South Korea. In South Korea we have a fun traditional game called charge it’s were you have to keep a ball with shiny strips stuck to it up in the air.

In Korea we have animations. Actually, the Simpsons was made here.

Our traditional clothes are sometimes shiny. when babies are born they only were white. Red is
a sine of power or blood. That’s why the emperor wears red.

In Korea, 1/3 of the people are Bhuddist and 1/5 are Chris
tian. (by Matthew)

Hi my name is Chea Ryung I am from South Korea . We have uoonafoms for school.

In South Korea after school we go to piano classes, art classes, and music classes. We sometimes don’t get home untul nine o’clock.

We eat with chopstiks. We have metel chopstiks. In South Korea we have curved roofs on our houses. This is because people used to think that evil spirits would come down from the sky. The curved roof would send the evil spirits away. (by Cailey)

1 comment:

votemom said...

i did not know TheSimpsons was created in south korea!