Tuesday, April 22, 2008


In Ghana, we have a festival called Homowo. It starts in May. For one month we don’t drum or dance. Later, there is a big parade. I like to see all the people dancing and hear them singing songs. Some older people find the person they will marry. In August, there is a big feast! We have parties, play games, and do some sports.

Homowo means “Hooting at Hunger”. All of our singing and festivals chase away hunger so we will have lots to eat.(by Anton)

Hi. My name is Kongoo. In my school my parents have to pay for the books I write in. We don’t have a lot of money, so it’s hard to pay for our books. My sister is almost 12 so she will be leaving school soon. We’re lucky girls who get to go to school! Many girls do not.

After school I like to play hopscotch or make dolls out of clay. The sun dries them and then I can play with them. My sister likes to paint on trees. I like to have picnics with my family but that does not happen very often because we need to think about the 25 other people in our house. The bad thing about dinner is that we get to eat the same thing every day. But some families are even poorer than we are. Sometimes they don’t eat dinner.(by Alice)

When I go to bed |I like to listen to the drums and music. When I dream, I like to dream about not taking such a long time to go to school!

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