Friday, June 17, 2011

Rain & rain

Yeserday It was raining very much.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

one more game

Play Nova's Destroy the Castle.

The Living Museum

Yesterday we had the living museum. The costumes were so beautiful and everyone spoke very good. And everyone had very beautiful backgrounds. After all the classes that needed to come, our parents came. Then after our parents came, we had a party. We ate coockies, apples and we drank apple juce. Then after the party we reapeated our words and we showed our medieval diaries to our parents.

by Anna

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ksusha & Arthur

Yesterday we were prectesing for the living museum. by Ksusha

The living museum is today we are exited and nervas at the same time. Hope you like it.
by Arthur

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday's computer time

Hello, second graders!

Are you being kind and helpful? Are you working like second graders? I'm sure you are!

Here are some fun activities for your computer time today:

You can make a shield by clicking here or a coat of arms by clicking here.

You can go and explore Kid's Castle some more. This is where you can dress the knight. (Refresh the page if it says "Service Unavailable". Ask Fernanda if you don't know how.)

When you're finished, use the rest of your computer time to finish any story that you're working on.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Miss Christian ;>

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Birthday Blog

Yesterday was Ksusha and Misha's Birthday. It was so much fun that I could blow my ears off! At the end of the party, Misha and Ksusha gave us magic tricks. Mine was you take out the red ball of a little thing and then make it reappear again.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Yesterday we started are living musuam. I am doing the church.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Yesterday We ...

Yesterday some people finished their castles. We started the liveing museum. The 5th graders cleaned out the fish tank.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Ksusha's Blog

Yesterday we started to paint castles. It was fun! We were all in paint. We painted the castles with gray paint.

Monday, June 06, 2011

I FINISHED OLGA DA POLGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm reading a book cald "Olga Da Polga." I was reading the last chapter cald " An Unexpected visit." Olga got a new waterbol with OLga da Polga on it!! When I came here in Russia I could choose a cup. It's four years old. I would like to be in this book because it's very interesting. I would like to be Olga because she is smart.

by Noor

I am almost done !

I am reding Romona the brave its so funny.

by Fernanda


I' m reding flat Stanley.

I reade that Stanley was flat and he had a nufe to be flat because he was a big time oreedye very long flat. So his berother. Aerther he did smthing bad to Stanley he did a pump and then arther did pole and let go and then Stenley becam back noermole.

my book

I am reading Hellen Keller.

Anie is trieing to teach hellen, but it does not work. Anie rielysd that Hellen and Anie have to live together.

by Karlijn

Encyclopedia Brown and the case of.the Ginger Ale

Encyclopedia said That the ice was filled with ginger ale, but it's almost impossible to fill ice with a drink so I don't know why they said that Hans filled the ice with ginger ale. I like this book because they have mistakes and I love finding the mistakes.

by Charles


I am reading the book called THE DRAGONS OF BLUELAND.

Boris and Elmer flew back to Blueland to save Borises parents. Elmer made a plan: Elmer and -
The boxcar children find thier grandfather .
On Friday we haed sports day my ferst station was the cone station there was five stations. The baskit ball station, the cone station, the base ball station, the football station, and the jamping station and the runing station and the throuing station. After lunch we haed inside reases. then we go outside and play a little bite then we haed a race with the balls we haed to run to the baskit with the balls.

Friday, June 03, 2011

papermashaing,papermashaing and again papermashaing

Yesteday we papermashade our castels. Anna and Sofia finished papermashaing their castels. Carlotta and I did not finished. We also can't finish it anymore because it made a big mess. But when it dries it gets texture. All people with big castels didn't finish papermashaing.

By Noor van Vuuren

Thursday, June 02, 2011


We dad casol.Anna and I, finesh, and we read book.Carlotta finesh you big book and read two book. I read three little.seshh. a

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Thera vanneste

We did yesterday to see the simple mushens whith the 8th graders. And it's the last day of may.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yesterday we made castles.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Anna's blogg

On Friday we did lots of medieval things, we watched a little movie about simple machines, Miss Christian alowed us to choose one book of hers to keep for EVER! I chose pony stories. And it was the last day of Vera being seven.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Yesterday we colored the cover of the Medieval Diary. Mish a took super long.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday we could choose what we want to do.And we learnd about ease macens.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the littles

The Littles

Every night Tom and his father was watching the Newcobs at dinner time up in the sicret hiding place near the ciling light.

Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective

Last night I read the most awesomest book ever Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective. I feel like keeping it forever even though it's a school book. All the chapters feel so predictibal with all the action and drama I feel like i'm a charcter of the book doing all that. It must be alot of work being Encyclopedia. From Charles.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yesterday we were reding to each other. I am reding Ramona the brave I just started its very funny. My first book was The boxcar children I think it was nice.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Talent Show

On Friday we had a talent show,

Anna played the piano and did a skit with us.

Before we walked to school 80 we played outside and ate pizza.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Talent Show

Yesterday we praktesed for the Talent Show.Some kids are nurves I am nurves too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Jon,

My name is Vera I come from russia. Aassp is wonderful. And I really like it here. I hope you will too.

Welcome John!

dear john,

My name is Karlijn.

I am from Holland.

I am happy that you are a boy becouse we only have 3 boys.
Dear John

my name is Misha

have three boys in uo r class and nine girls in our class. I very wont to be yeur friend

our new boy John

Hi John,

My name is Anna. I am seven years old. I am half-Russian and half-Hungarian. I am in second grade already. I would love to be your friend. And I am glad to have one more boy because we have nine girls and only three boys!
Dear John my name is Misha we have three boy s in our classand nine girls in our class we are wating you

Hi John

Dear John ,

My name is Carlotta and I come from Germany. We all are glad that you are a boy because we have 9 girls and 3 boys . I hope you come sune.

Hi John,

My name is Arthur. I come from England, Derby. What state and city are you from? Me and my friends Chales and Misha are the only boys in our class.We are hopeing for another 3,9,00,29 more boys. I'm only joking we need about 6 to be = with the girls
Dear John,

my name is fernanda. I come from Mexico I was born in 2003 september 19.What year were you born and what month and were you born. I hope you like hotdogs because in wednesday they sell hotdogs. Good bye!


Hello John!

I Sofia. My school super!It is smal,is many pepol.We cloos is a little and fun!Cloos havgot 9 girls and 3 boys. I vgot super frands! It is girls Ksusha ahd Anna.

Hello John

Hello John,

My name is Noor. I'm from the Netherlands. I'm seven years old. Next year I won't be here because I going back to the Netherlands. Ilived here for four years. One thing you should know about St.Petersburg is you shouldn't walk on the grass in the park otherwise you get yelled at.

Your friend,

Yesterday Misha and I were playing soccer out side. The girls were playing too. Misha and I were amazzed how the girls play soccer

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Interesting Middle ages

Yesterday we started to talk about medievel times. I'm a queen and there's no king. Some girl names are: Adela, Alison, Amalia, Cristabel, Christiana, Chritian and Claire. My name is Maria. And Fernanda is the priest. She is almost higher than I. I'm siting next to the priest.

By Noor (Queen Maria)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Ysterday we look a books, I look a book to.Ysterday we play football. It is fun! Ysterday a sunny day,cold and hot day.Ysterday a super day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Anna's blogg logg

Elmer And The Dragon

This is the story about how my father found a little dry and green island. But the dragon couldn't fly.

I liked the picture in the back of the chapter and also the part when the dragon tried to fly but he couldn't because he tried very hard. I had to try very hard not to run away when they did an AIDS test.


I finished the littles . But I did not like the end because I wanted them to get home themseves.jghb vgbgfv

The amazing book of mammal records (Noor)

I'm reading a book called " The Amazing Book of Mammal Records" because I forgot my real book at home. A mammal is warm blooded and has a back bone. The animals I read are the blue whale, the Kitti's hog nosed bat, the cheetah, the three toed sloth, the koala, polar bear, the giraffe, gorilla, the northern elephant seal, african elephant, and the black tail prairie dog. We are also a mammal. I like the book because there are lots of facts about animals and I like animals.

the terrible tiny kid (Arthur)

One afternoon Mige and Chip were oferd a bed room for the night. The next morning Chip and Mige were gone. The Littles found them in the biggs lounge and Uncle pete said get under the radiator Mr bigg came down stais


I look a book Snow. A babys like a Show. It is like to play snowball, sled,snow man Ned.
Is a big man Ned. The sun!


yesterday we did nuthing because we had no school so we stad at home..but I need to do about Friday we did on friday p.e. and music.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

verb day

Yesterday we stayed for a little outside after P.E. to make pictures of us acting out our verbs. It was a very good day with the bee, and we did the biggest caught BEE-ing kind. And also some of filmed their budies but not me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yesterday in P.E. Mr. Jessie tought us a game called skunk tag. The skunks are the tagers and if you tag a

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Sorry if you want to read my blog go to


Hello everybody,
How are you? I have a new blog!If you want to read my blog go to www.david'

Bye Bye David

house activites

On friday we had house activities.I was in the orange house. In the orange was North America. In the yellow house was South America. In the blue house was Germany .In the red house was Australia.And in the perple was South Koria.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Cinco De Mayo and International Day post

We had lot's of fun yesterday,we, played lataria with Fernanda because it was Cinco De Mayo, we did really well with the bee,

Today was International day.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Yesterday we had a big day of kachup. We finiah spelling,math,atlas,cursive and bees.Not a singel person finiah it.I think it will take a very long time to finiah the atlas. Today I will talk about the 5 of may because in Mexico they won a war a very very very very long time ago .

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Our Blog

Yesterday our class started ixl it is a math website. Our teacher put a line and a bee on the board on the left it says self control on the right it says teacher control. Our class also finished the movies. But our budies stil have to go.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Yesterday I ansd Sofia were fillmed some people alsob got fillmed. But Misha and Karalijan needed a little more prectes. It was fun. We decided to have a bee and an erow it had self control and teacher control. When it was on self control every thing was OK but when it was on teacher control we should be cquiet for the rest of the day. When it is in the middle and we see it and we start to have the self control the bee can sill move back. On every morrning it started on self control. If it goes from the morrning right from the self control to the teacher control we will be cquiet all the rest of the day.

Monday, May 02, 2011


On fiday me and Karaljin finished painting caver for the for the book and the book for the mooveiy. and on friday every body finished painting the back of where they will stend for the mooveiy. On friday we has music in the class. And on friday we and every body i our school outside on a baskitball filde with all teachers fotowed for year book.And on friay I helped thera with painting and me and thera halped carlotta with painting her painting for the back where she will staened for the mooveiy. And we prectis reading and reanambering the sckriped.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Back ground

Yesterday our hole class started to paint our background. My partner is Fernada. Our backgroumd is a play ground with a basket ball kort and swings and a foursquare in the U.S.A. We still have to paint the blacktop. I almost remember my script. We also had library.

By Noor

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We Ksusha and I is big pekchr. Its Ghana.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thera vanneste

Yesterday we did caught bee-ing kind and we did p.e. and we did budys we did are budys maing moeves.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Anna's blogg

I wasn't here yesterday because I had very bad alergy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Movies,movies and more movies

On Friday we pland how we are going to make are one big movie. We pland that we are going make one big movie.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday we started our muvis about Brazil, Ghana, India, Japan, U.S.A.,Germany, Cyprus.And I and kereligin taked entervu from Mss. Verier . And yesterday it was Lexi day. Lexi came to our class after morning brack and go with us to music and staed with us for Lanch. And yesterday we has music in the librery.And in Math we has to mesher our nack and lags and mesher sids of the shaps with pearemieter.And we has to read a book about the contry and rited on the piece of papoure. Me and kerelgin has to rite and read qestions to Mss. Verior because Mss . Verier is from Indea she rowt us shool and children in English leters and in Indean leters in two duferent ways in Indien leters Mss. Verier saed that in Indea twente five lengwiges.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yesterday we began making movies about a child's life around the world. My partner is Vira. The country me and my partner picked is Japan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arturs the hero!

Arturs saved the fish!

When we came back from vacation our fish tank was dirty. We tryed to clean it but it was to hard to get the dirt away.The next day Arturs came to help us and saved the fish's. He caught them with his bare hands. Even Big Fish. His a hero! by Fernanda

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Karlijns blog

Yesterday second grade got ice craem!!!! You could choose if you whanted choclate vanilla or both. We even got a new girl!!!! She is caled Sofia. Our book orders came, and the class pretended they had lies so they went to the taecher the taecher got so scared that she stood on a chair

Monday, April 18, 2011


On Friday I was not here because I went to London and then to Scotland. On Friday we got a suprise but I didn't have it.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Anna's blogg

Yesterday we found out that we can't buy ''fishka'' anymore. So we wrote a letter to Mr. Glisen. And today we found out that we really can't buy ''fishka'' anymore. And we were telling our animal reports to the kindergarden. And also we started making our Europe quilts.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Yesterday we did quilt fraction math with paper. We also shared facts about Europe. One fact is that it's the smallest continent. we are happy thet we took class pictures the day before because Charles was already on vacation yesterday. by Noor

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Yesterday Noor wasn't hair in the moerning and we did yesterday p.e. and we did on p.e. playing gams and we did yesterday computers we did on the computers finshing are stores

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Yesterday we meshered the area and the perimiter of our desk.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Anna's blogg

On Friday I wasn't here. I was sick in my bed. So I can't tell you anithing. I am sorry! Finaly all of our second grade is here! Huray!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Yesterday we had P.E. and in P.E. we played memary cone tag but we had some balls and you had to put them in the coloured ring

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yesterday we wrot a new story about Asia.And we played a math game whith fractions.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rock Post

On Tuesday we had a bake sale so that we can save Japan from the big Earth Quake,we played lots of fun games in P.E.We Read Mary Popinns and we had some of those yummy treats. mmm!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We made posters yesterday about some contrys in Asia. It was fun I

Monday, March 28, 2011


OnThrsday me and Thera wosh dasks and we did posters and we did frakshons and we start geting redy for the conferansis.


On friday we had conferences. I love conferences because then we don't have school and Miss Christian tells good things about us. And you can play with a friend. I played with Thera.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday we had finisht laters for Mr. Gray.And we had badey and we finisht show with badeys.And ysterday I and Thera wosh all the dasks and ysterday we start drowing are atlas about Africa.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Boxcar Children (by Arthur)

Henry was cutting the grass for Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore said "hop in". They went to a festivel called the "free-for-all". Henry was siting in the croud and then he went to the room where the boys get ready. A fat man was in the room and gave him a suit to were. He won 25 dollers and a silver cup. He was very happy to win.

what I think will happen next is he will buy candy.
I wold be happy to win too.

The Stories Julian Tells

I was reading The Stories Julian tells.I learned that making a friend is nice. I learned sometimes you can have a girl as a friend. I liked this book because it is a very sweet.

fractions, fieldtrip, spelling sentences

Yesterday we had a lot of fractions math. Yesterday we also had a fieldtrip to 5th grade because Mr.Gray went to Africa and we leared about Africa. He showed us pictures from animals and orphans. And we also had to start our spelling sentences. We also had art.
By Noor

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ksusha's blog log

Jonathan was going homse with the iron pot. When he croled under the iron pot.And he heared who the bears are breathing. Then he heared his father's voice and wasen't scaresd any more.

The bears on the Hemlock MOUNTAIN

Jonethins father was beisy so jonathin has too go too the Hemlock mountain to get boew to kooce a stuw. But he do not want to go to his cosent

I think that jonathin will find a bear on the hemlock mountian.


Noor's log blog

I'm reading Little House in the Big woods. Ma has a schedule for every day of the week, they are Monday wash, tuesday iron, mend on Wednesday, churn on Thursday, clean Friday, bake on Saturday, rest on Sunday. We have a schedule for school. But not for home. I liked this chapter because it was fun to now how they were churnig.
By Noor

Carlotta's log blog

Im reading The Boxcar Children The yellow house mystery.The Boxcar Children & Joe & Alise whent on a canoe trip to find Bill.But first they stoped at Mr. long's shop to buy food.I liked the chepter because I also went on a canoe trip and I liked it.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Zheely Bili Day!


Yesterday we made props for the play.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

Julian had two right bottom front teeth. One old and one new. He asked his father what to do? His father said that he would take care of that. He broght a pair of pliers. But Julian said no. His father said that there was another way. He tied the end of the thread around his old tooth. That didn't hurt. Then he put Julian by the door. His father tied the other end thread to the doorknob and asked Julian to close his eyes. Julian didn't want to do that. There was one other way. Go into the bathroom, stand over the sink and just keep pushing the tooth. But Julian was afraid of bleeding. And he desided to stay with two teeth. Then Julian's mother said that it was very unusual. Cavemen would have liked to have Julian's theeth to eat raw meet. He wanted to make some money on that. At home Julian picked up an apple and took a big bite. In a minute the tooth fall out.

scooby-doo and the boling boogiman

The gang signed up for a boling contest. They were looking for a sign that said "Drary Lanes". there was a woman who said THERE IS PEANUT BUTTER IN MY BOWLING BALL! to the maniger. She was so angery.

I would be angery if that hapened to me beacause I don't want peanut butter on my fingers.

by arthur
Yesterday we did lots of math. We did math boxes and mesuring. First we mesured our arm spams, then we mesured our high and then we graht it. And Ms. Christian met our new student, Sophia while we were on P.E!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yesterday we did mathboxes. we also did some fun math. We had to make as many outfits as we could.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Animal Expert Day

"Yesterday we read our reports. My report was on the lion. I am the top of the food chain on the savanna! We wanted to read it kindergarten, but we didn't have time. We got new spelling books."

(dictated by Carlotta because blogger ate what she typed.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Post Gohst

On friday we had lot's of fun,we,sang really loud in music,we played lots of games in P.E.,Charles

Friday, March 11, 2011

Waffle day

Yesterday we had waffle day it was the best day in my life. I loved the waffle it was so good that I wanted more. by Fernanda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Karlijn's blog.

Yesterday we started reading a new book called my father's dragon. We had jump math what was really fun.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Women's Day

Yesterday it was women's day. And we didn't go to school. And we mised lots of fun: computers,p.e. and some people mised their after school.

Monday, March 07, 2011


On Friday we drew trees we drew in Aug.

Friday, March 04, 2011

look at us!

The second graders seem to be feeling very grown up these days. They are learning cursive and to add with regrouping. They are working on their first report. And, they just completed their first line graph.

And, they're looking grown-up, too! See?


Yesterday we had buddies. We had to make a play. We had to take a name from a cup. There were bad guys and good guys. In my group were Laureen , Anastasia and Inseung and Ksusha. I was Baby Bear. Ksusha was the pig who bilt a house with straw. Anastasia was Goldilocks. Laureen was Jack. Inseung was the troll. Goldilocks chased me.
By Noor

Thursday, March 03, 2011

We did yeserday p.e we did on p.e fish ,fish , fish it was fun and we did on p.e perasht and shack's and we did yesterday lingraf and kirlijn and me fgot to brush are teeth? and we did Russian we did Russian songse it was fun and we did yesterday matrh the math was fun

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Boxcar Children (by Arthur)

Henry got back from working. He smelled the stew that Vilot & Jessie made. Henry made a cart out of wooden plancs. Benny loved the cart.

What I think will happen next is they will colect stones in there

I would like the cart too because I would like to pull it.
The Stories Julian Tells

" I will make something special for your mother" , Julian's father said. My mother went shopping. My father was in the kitchen. "What are you going to make?", I asked. "Pudding!", he said. " What kind of pudding will you make "?, Huey asked. " A wonderful pudding ", said my father. " It will taste like a whole raft of lemons. It will taste like a night on the sea ". Then he took a knife and sliced up five lemons in half. He squeezed the first lemon. The juice went into my eye. " Stand back! " he said, and sqeezed again. The seeds flew out on the floor. " Pick up those seeds, Huey! " he said. Finaly he was done with the pudding and went to take a nap. Huey and I guarded the pudding. We just wanted to taste it, but we ate it all up. We ran into our bedroom and crawled under the bed. When father woke up and mother came back, they started looking for the pudding. Huey was crying. Our father gave us the eggs and asked us to whip them. It was very hard. Then he added sugar, cream and lemon juice. We made a wonderful pudding. "Would you like some, boys?" mother asked. "No thank you", we said. Our mother wondered why not, because it tasted like a night on the sea.


Yesturday in computers I sarted daiy of girls that live in diffrent places.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Anna's blogg

Yesterday two new students came here. The boy's name is Charles, and the girl's name is Fernanda. Charles home countries are Astralia and Russia. And fernandas home country is Mexico. And also yesterday we did learn about nouns. We took some magazines and been cuting out nouns. Then we took a construction paper and made three spaces, wrote thing, place and person in each colon. Then we stiked the pictures from the magazines ( nouns ), and we labled them.

Monday, February 28, 2011


yesterday I was on Vacation. I had a doovay day and in the eavaning I could not sleep. I got to sleep at 1:00!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yesterday we read Wombat Stew the dindo was a dum dingo he put mud in there.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anna's blogg logg


Dr. Moore went to get his mother. " Mother", he said, " this is Mr James Henry Alden. " He wants to take his grandchildren to live with him". Mr. James Henry Alden wanted to to see the children. But the children didn't want to see him. Then Mrs. Moore came and asked Mr. James Henry Alden to sit in the living room. Finally Henry came out. It was time to eat dinner. Mr. Henry James Alden ate together with them. Mr. James Henry Alden talked about his little cucumber that he growed in a bottle. Doctor Moore told Henry that the men was the childrens grandfather. Than the men went to Jessies room to check her. "Jessie"! Said Henry. "It is our grandfather"! Than they all went to see the boxcar. There Mr. James Henry Alden said, "let's see my house tomorrow, and you could live there if you like it.
I red Nate the Great and Snowy Trail. 

 Nate the Graet was bilding himself and the Sludge from the snow then he saw  Rozamend with her cats . She told Nate that she lost his Birthday Present. So Nate the Great got to the Rosamund house to look for her footprints.Then he went home and start thinking about this case.
Misha's Read and Log


spy dog

Lara was a dog. A man came by and tryed to hurt her. But he did not get her. by Arthur

I forgot mybook!

Australian day

(Note: the links in this post are to YouTube videos.)

Yesterday Mrs.Thomson came and talked about Australia. She teatched us 4 songs kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, sun Arise, waltzing Matilda and Carra Barra Wirra Canna. And she teatched us 2up.
by Carlotta


Karlijn's shipment has FINALLY arrived!
(Miss Christian did not take a photo of all the boxes.)

Karlijn can FINALLY stop living in a hotel.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yester day we had a fili trip it was fun there was a big big! slide it was very fun and we pated we paned a heors it was nise to pante a heors. And we did playing gamse and sam singe and we did salbeted the and of cerisms of Maslenitsa.

by Thera

(Parents, we'd love for you to add any photos or videos of the day here!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yesterday we had a party. With cookies and chocklate. We were playing a game called o honey if you love me won't you please please smile. You are trying to make someone lough.

Monday, February 14, 2011


                                                     BEARS ON HEMLOK MOUNTAIN

Jonathan was eight years old. And his mother let him go to the Hemlok Mountain.

I luke this book because it's a new book and I like to have new books.
I red Nate the Great.
This book is about the boy and his dog. This boy were detective. And the dog's name was Sladge. They solved the cases together.


Noor's log blog

Ramona alwasys had a bad day in first grade. I sometimes have a bad day but I don't always have a bad day. My favorite thing about Ramona is that she always has something she doesn't like. But I don't want to be her because I would start to cry after a week and I would it to tell to my mom. I want to be Beezus because she almost never gets introuble.

the boxcar children (by arthur)

Henry went to a doctor's mother and she gave him a dollar. Benny made a fire place out of flat stones.

Vilot was watching him do it. Benny liked it very much.

I would like to build a fire place out of stones.

Velantines Day

In Friday we dekerad boxes for velantines day. We also finish our secret cupid and put it in the envelopes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

David's greetings

Hello everybody in St. Pete!

We are already in Moscow. Today we visited our new school and met with our new schoolmates. On the picture, you can see my sister and school building is behind us. I miss you all and hope we will see each other soon again.

Here is my e-mail address:

Looking forward to your comments. Let's stay in touch. David
Ysterday we rowte New story in cirsev. And we had Muice in librery.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Noor's blog

Yesterday we did a lot of cursive we learned r s a d . And we allready started secret cupid .And in the night the tv it started to hang . from noor

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Tuesday it was David's last day and we did on Tuesday pe

Tuesday, February 08, 2011



Monday, February 07, 2011

Anna's blogg

On Friday we had read and relax day. For the special guest reader it was Mr. Glisean! Mr. Glisean was reading one of his favorite books. We hada very fun day!

Love, Anna

Friday, February 04, 2011

about groundhog day

If grend hog sow his shadow spring will comes after six weeks. Or if he don't see his shadow spring is soon.

Misha & Ksusha


I lost my tooth!
(I pulled it out at lunch.)