Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

Julian had two right bottom front teeth. One old and one new. He asked his father what to do? His father said that he would take care of that. He broght a pair of pliers. But Julian said no. His father said that there was another way. He tied the end of the thread around his old tooth. That didn't hurt. Then he put Julian by the door. His father tied the other end thread to the doorknob and asked Julian to close his eyes. Julian didn't want to do that. There was one other way. Go into the bathroom, stand over the sink and just keep pushing the tooth. But Julian was afraid of bleeding. And he desided to stay with two teeth. Then Julian's mother said that it was very unusual. Cavemen would have liked to have Julian's theeth to eat raw meet. He wanted to make some money on that. At home Julian picked up an apple and took a big bite. In a minute the tooth fall out.

1 comment:

second grade said...

Anna, is this your blog log?

Remember not to retell the entire chapter. Tell me in a sentence or two what happened. Then, connect it to you.