Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

" I will make something special for your mother" , Julian's father said. My mother went shopping. My father was in the kitchen. "What are you going to make?", I asked. "Pudding!", he said. " What kind of pudding will you make "?, Huey asked. " A wonderful pudding ", said my father. " It will taste like a whole raft of lemons. It will taste like a night on the sea ". Then he took a knife and sliced up five lemons in half. He squeezed the first lemon. The juice went into my eye. " Stand back! " he said, and sqeezed again. The seeds flew out on the floor. " Pick up those seeds, Huey! " he said. Finaly he was done with the pudding and went to take a nap. Huey and I guarded the pudding. We just wanted to taste it, but we ate it all up. We ran into our bedroom and crawled under the bed. When father woke up and mother came back, they started looking for the pudding. Huey was crying. Our father gave us the eggs and asked us to whip them. It was very hard. Then he added sugar, cream and lemon juice. We made a wonderful pudding. "Would you like some, boys?" mother asked. "No thank you", we said. Our mother wondered why not, because it tasted like a night on the sea.

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