Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday we started our muvis about Brazil, Ghana, India, Japan, U.S.A.,Germany, Cyprus.And I and kereligin taked entervu from Mss. Verier . And yesterday it was Lexi day. Lexi came to our class after morning brack and go with us to music and staed with us for Lanch. And yesterday we has music in the librery.And in Math we has to mesher our nack and lags and mesher sids of the shaps with pearemieter.And we has to read a book about the contry and rited on the piece of papoure. Me and kerelgin has to rite and read qestions to Mss. Verior because Mss . Verier is from Indea she rowt us shool and children in English leters and in Indean leters in two duferent ways in Indien leters Mss. Verier saed that in Indea twente five lengwiges.

1 comment:

second grade said...

Wow, Misha! What a great blog. You told us a LOT about yesterday.