Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The trees

Yesterday we drew trees on the playground. It was fun. Come and see the trees in our classroom! We had art and we made animals. And we had Russian.


Friday, April 25, 2008


Today we had a bake sale. We were just doin music. the rest of the day is for movie night.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today we did a second grade timeline. A second grade timeline is every speshle avent that hapend in second grade.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

living museum

Today was the opening of second grade's living museum. We've been so busy getting ready for it that we've neglected our blog! In the following posts, you'll see the children in their countries. They researched the way children live in their country, wrote a speech, painted a backdrop and put together a costume. The speeches with each picture are the ones written by the second graders.

I am SO proud of all their hard work! Everyone who has visited our museum has LOVED it. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour of the museum.

--Miss Christian


Hello we live in India. Families are very important. In families not just parents and children live together but aunts and uncles and cousins as well. Fifteen people can live in a house.

Our houses are made of mud and straw huts. They have no water and electricity in their homes. Three families can live in one house.

The food is very spicy. They use lots of curry and masala. Many Indians are vegetarians.

Most people wear light, loose clothes because it’s so hot. Indian girls like to wear bracelets.

Religion is very important to Indian people. Most people are Hindus.

They like to play cricket.

(by Oran and Liza)


In Ghana, we have a festival called Homowo. It starts in May. For one month we don’t drum or dance. Later, there is a big parade. I like to see all the people dancing and hear them singing songs. Some older people find the person they will marry. In August, there is a big feast! We have parties, play games, and do some sports.

Homowo means “Hooting at Hunger”. All of our singing and festivals chase away hunger so we will have lots to eat.(by Anton)

Hi. My name is Kongoo. In my school my parents have to pay for the books I write in. We don’t have a lot of money, so it’s hard to pay for our books. My sister is almost 12 so she will be leaving school soon. We’re lucky girls who get to go to school! Many girls do not.

After school I like to play hopscotch or make dolls out of clay. The sun dries them and then I can play with them. My sister likes to paint on trees. I like to have picnics with my family but that does not happen very often because we need to think about the 25 other people in our house. The bad thing about dinner is that we get to eat the same thing every day. But some families are even poorer than we are. Sometimes they don’t eat dinner.(by Alice)

When I go to bed |I like to listen to the drums and music. When I dream, I like to dream about not taking such a long time to go to school!


Privyet! Oo meenya zavoot Anton. I live in Moscow in a big building on the ninth floor. My flat is not very big. But it is very comfortable.

I go to school. I am seven and in grade one. There are 30 students in my class. My lessons are 45 minutes. At the end of each lesson a school bell rings and we have a break for 10 minutes. I start school at 9:00. I have 4 or 5 lessons each day.

For breakfast I have blini with tea.

In summer I wear t-shirts and shorts. In winter I wear sweaters and coats and hats.

I like to play Battleship and football. (by Chris)


I’m Paige. I live in London, England. Children in England usually go to school by car. In some schools, there are swimming pools! Children wear a uniform to school. They have different uniforms for summer and winter. Even the girls wear a tie to school. They like to have a snack after school.

Cricket is from England. Children and adults like to play it. They also like to play football, watch tv, and play video games.

(by Chea Ryung)


Ola! I’m Juan. I come from Brazil. I’ll tell the things I know from my country!

I usually wear wear shirts and pants. My sister wears shirts and skirts. It’s hot in Brazil and these clothes keep us cool.

I live in the city. My city is Rio de Janeiro. It’s the capital of Brazil. We moved here from the country so that I can go to a good school. My dad drives a taxi and works in one of the big hotels.

I love to play and watch soccer. My favorite Brazilian soccer stars are Pele, Rinhaldo and Rinaldo.

I like it when it’s Carneval, because we like to dance and do parades. People come from all over the world to go to Carnival!

Thank you for coming to the Brazil corner, enjoy the next corner in “The Living Museum”! (by John)


Hi my name is Jesse. I live in the USA. I will tell you the culture of the USA. American music is heard all over the world.

American movies can be seen every where such as Star Wars, Titanic and Spider man.

I have a sister. Most of my friends have a brother or a sister, too.

I go to school by on a school bus. At school we go to recess. I work hard. I like to work with a partner. Some of my friends wear a uniform to school, but at my school there are no uniforms. I usually wear jeans or khakis. Sometimes people think everyone in America wears a cowboy hat, but that’s not true.

I like to eat apple pie, fried chicken and hotdogs.

(by Batu)

Hi I’m Natali ! I live in the USA. My uncle walks me to school every day. At school I work alone, with a partner or in a small group. We learn math, reading, writing, science and history. We also have classes in art, library, music and p.e.

I like to eat pizza, ice cream, spaghetti, hamburgers and French fries.

I like to play sports and imaginary games. Sometimes I pretend with my friends.

Musicals started in my country. I would like to go and see a play on Broadway in New York City. (by Karoline)

South Korea

Hi my names Sang
Yoon. I’m from South Korea. In South Korea we have a fun traditional game called charge it’s were you have to keep a ball with shiny strips stuck to it up in the air.

In Korea we have animations. Actually, the Simpsons was made here.

Our traditional clothes are sometimes shiny. when babies are born they only were white. Red is
a sine of power or blood. That’s why the emperor wears red.

In Korea, 1/3 of the people are Bhuddist and 1/5 are Chris
tian. (by Matthew)

Hi my name is Chea Ryung I am from South Korea . We have uoonafoms for school.

In South Korea after school we go to piano classes, art classes, and music classes. We sometimes don’t get home untul nine o’clock.

We eat with chopstiks. We have metel chopstiks. In South Korea we have curved roofs on our houses. This is because people used to think that evil spirits would come down from the sky. The curved roof would send the evil spirits away. (by Cailey)


G’day mate! Here are some fair dinkum facts about children down under.

I come from Australia. Children in Australia like to play mini golf, criket, football and rugby. They are very good at rugby. They like

surfing and going to the beach. Some Australian children go to school with raidos. Some go to school. They eat barbecues, vegimite and ice cream. They have to wear hats when they go out to reses. They wear t-shirts, shorts and hats because it’s hot.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chea Ryung

We jumproped at P.E. We started on our living museum!I hope many people come to
our living museum!At computer , we each had a parcner . We each choosed our own
contry. I choosed England!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We lerned about culture. How children live.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Yesterday it was Dr.Suess day.We go to differnt houses and make diffrent thins. It was fun.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

to day we did not behave so good in the classroom we were talking.we started urop