Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yesterday we wrot a new story about Asia.And we played a math game whith fractions.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rock Post

On Tuesday we had a bake sale so that we can save Japan from the big Earth Quake,we played lots of fun games in P.E.We Read Mary Popinns and we had some of those yummy treats. mmm!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We made posters yesterday about some contrys in Asia. It was fun I

Monday, March 28, 2011


OnThrsday me and Thera wosh dasks and we did posters and we did frakshons and we start geting redy for the conferansis.


On friday we had conferences. I love conferences because then we don't have school and Miss Christian tells good things about us. And you can play with a friend. I played with Thera.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday we had finisht laters for Mr. Gray.And we had badey and we finisht show with badeys.And ysterday I and Thera wosh all the dasks and ysterday we start drowing are atlas about Africa.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Boxcar Children (by Arthur)

Henry was cutting the grass for Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore said "hop in". They went to a festivel called the "free-for-all". Henry was siting in the croud and then he went to the room where the boys get ready. A fat man was in the room and gave him a suit to were. He won 25 dollers and a silver cup. He was very happy to win.

what I think will happen next is he will buy candy.
I wold be happy to win too.

The Stories Julian Tells

I was reading The Stories Julian tells.I learned that making a friend is nice. I learned sometimes you can have a girl as a friend. I liked this book because it is a very sweet.

fractions, fieldtrip, spelling sentences

Yesterday we had a lot of fractions math. Yesterday we also had a fieldtrip to 5th grade because Mr.Gray went to Africa and we leared about Africa. He showed us pictures from animals and orphans. And we also had to start our spelling sentences. We also had art.
By Noor

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ksusha's blog log

Jonathan was going homse with the iron pot. When he croled under the iron pot.And he heared who the bears are breathing. Then he heared his father's voice and wasen't scaresd any more.

The bears on the Hemlock MOUNTAIN

Jonethins father was beisy so jonathin has too go too the Hemlock mountain to get boew to kooce a stuw. But he do not want to go to his cosent

I think that jonathin will find a bear on the hemlock mountian.


Noor's log blog

I'm reading Little House in the Big woods. Ma has a schedule for every day of the week, they are Monday wash, tuesday iron, mend on Wednesday, churn on Thursday, clean Friday, bake on Saturday, rest on Sunday. We have a schedule for school. But not for home. I liked this chapter because it was fun to now how they were churnig.
By Noor

Carlotta's log blog

Im reading The Boxcar Children The yellow house mystery.The Boxcar Children & Joe & Alise whent on a canoe trip to find Bill.But first they stoped at Mr. long's shop to buy food.I liked the chepter because I also went on a canoe trip and I liked it.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Zheely Bili Day!


Yesterday we made props for the play.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

Julian had two right bottom front teeth. One old and one new. He asked his father what to do? His father said that he would take care of that. He broght a pair of pliers. But Julian said no. His father said that there was another way. He tied the end of the thread around his old tooth. That didn't hurt. Then he put Julian by the door. His father tied the other end thread to the doorknob and asked Julian to close his eyes. Julian didn't want to do that. There was one other way. Go into the bathroom, stand over the sink and just keep pushing the tooth. But Julian was afraid of bleeding. And he desided to stay with two teeth. Then Julian's mother said that it was very unusual. Cavemen would have liked to have Julian's theeth to eat raw meet. He wanted to make some money on that. At home Julian picked up an apple and took a big bite. In a minute the tooth fall out.

scooby-doo and the boling boogiman

The gang signed up for a boling contest. They were looking for a sign that said "Drary Lanes". there was a woman who said THERE IS PEANUT BUTTER IN MY BOWLING BALL! to the maniger. She was so angery.

I would be angery if that hapened to me beacause I don't want peanut butter on my fingers.

by arthur
Yesterday we did lots of math. We did math boxes and mesuring. First we mesured our arm spams, then we mesured our high and then we graht it. And Ms. Christian met our new student, Sophia while we were on P.E!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yesterday we did mathboxes. we also did some fun math. We had to make as many outfits as we could.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Animal Expert Day

"Yesterday we read our reports. My report was on the lion. I am the top of the food chain on the savanna! We wanted to read it kindergarten, but we didn't have time. We got new spelling books."

(dictated by Carlotta because blogger ate what she typed.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Post Gohst

On friday we had lot's of fun,we,sang really loud in music,we played lots of games in P.E.,Charles

Friday, March 11, 2011

Waffle day

Yesterday we had waffle day it was the best day in my life. I loved the waffle it was so good that I wanted more. by Fernanda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Karlijn's blog.

Yesterday we started reading a new book called my father's dragon. We had jump math what was really fun.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Women's Day

Yesterday it was women's day. And we didn't go to school. And we mised lots of fun: computers,p.e. and some people mised their after school.

Monday, March 07, 2011


On Friday we drew trees we drew in Aug.

Friday, March 04, 2011

look at us!

The second graders seem to be feeling very grown up these days. They are learning cursive and to add with regrouping. They are working on their first report. And, they just completed their first line graph.

And, they're looking grown-up, too! See?


Yesterday we had buddies. We had to make a play. We had to take a name from a cup. There were bad guys and good guys. In my group were Laureen , Anastasia and Inseung and Ksusha. I was Baby Bear. Ksusha was the pig who bilt a house with straw. Anastasia was Goldilocks. Laureen was Jack. Inseung was the troll. Goldilocks chased me.
By Noor

Thursday, March 03, 2011

We did yeserday p.e we did on p.e fish ,fish , fish it was fun and we did on p.e perasht and shack's and we did yesterday lingraf and kirlijn and me fgot to brush are teeth? and we did Russian we did Russian songse it was fun and we did yesterday matrh the math was fun

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Boxcar Children (by Arthur)

Henry got back from working. He smelled the stew that Vilot & Jessie made. Henry made a cart out of wooden plancs. Benny loved the cart.

What I think will happen next is they will colect stones in there

I would like the cart too because I would like to pull it.
The Stories Julian Tells

" I will make something special for your mother" , Julian's father said. My mother went shopping. My father was in the kitchen. "What are you going to make?", I asked. "Pudding!", he said. " What kind of pudding will you make "?, Huey asked. " A wonderful pudding ", said my father. " It will taste like a whole raft of lemons. It will taste like a night on the sea ". Then he took a knife and sliced up five lemons in half. He squeezed the first lemon. The juice went into my eye. " Stand back! " he said, and sqeezed again. The seeds flew out on the floor. " Pick up those seeds, Huey! " he said. Finaly he was done with the pudding and went to take a nap. Huey and I guarded the pudding. We just wanted to taste it, but we ate it all up. We ran into our bedroom and crawled under the bed. When father woke up and mother came back, they started looking for the pudding. Huey was crying. Our father gave us the eggs and asked us to whip them. It was very hard. Then he added sugar, cream and lemon juice. We made a wonderful pudding. "Would you like some, boys?" mother asked. "No thank you", we said. Our mother wondered why not, because it tasted like a night on the sea.


Yesturday in computers I sarted daiy of girls that live in diffrent places.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Anna's blogg

Yesterday two new students came here. The boy's name is Charles, and the girl's name is Fernanda. Charles home countries are Astralia and Russia. And fernandas home country is Mexico. And also yesterday we did learn about nouns. We took some magazines and been cuting out nouns. Then we took a construction paper and made three spaces, wrote thing, place and person in each colon. Then we stiked the pictures from the magazines ( nouns ), and we labled them.