Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, 5 February

We finally have SNOW! Second grade has been enjoying playing in the snow. However, we've had lots of cold, wet feet. If you've not sent in an extra pair of socks to keep at school, now would be a good time to do that.

On Thursday we’ll be going to the Puppet Theatre. Be sure to bring a good snack that day because lunch will be late.

On Friday, we’ll be having an “old-fashioned afternoon”. We’re going to be doing different activities the way they did in the book Little House in the Big Woods which we’ve just finished reading together. If you'd like to come in and help, let me know! It’s always a fun afternoon.

And, lastly, thank you to all the parents who volunteered to accompany to Shuvalakova next week. Mrs. Suhonen’s and Mrs. Carney’s schedules best fit with ours, so they will be joining us. We look forward to taking other parents with us on other trips.

spelling words: cool, soon, spoon, food, new, knew, blew, blue, glue, beluga, shampoo, kangaroo, newspaper, balloon, view

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