Monday, February 12, 2007

12 February

Happy Monday! We have a busy week ahead of us.
On Tuesday, please bring a small box to school. A shoe box works well. We'll decorate them to hold our valentines.
On Wednesday we'll celebrate Valentine's Day. Please bring a card for each student in our class. (We'll start working on these in class.)
On Thursday we'll be going to the Russian village to learn about Maslenitsa. Please dress warmly as we'll have time to play in the snow.
On Friday we'll continue to learn about Maslenitsa at school with special activities.

spelling words (**test will be next Monday): happy, better, butter, follow, carry, spell, middle, dinner, supper, possible
"long list" additional words: difficult, success, princess, appropriate

**this spelling rule is a double consonant indicates a short vowel sound

In the previous post, Sung Je included the recipe for pancakes that we used. These are not thin pancakes/crepe/blinis. Make a small pancake (about the size of your hand) in a lightly greased or non-stick pan. Do not tilt the pan to spread the batter. Allow the pancake to cook until you see bubbles forming. Then, flip it. The pancakes should be nicely browned on both sides. We ate ours with homemade butter (it was hard work) and maple syrup.

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