Friday, April 29, 2011

Back ground

Yesterday our hole class started to paint our background. My partner is Fernada. Our backgroumd is a play ground with a basket ball kort and swings and a foursquare in the U.S.A. We still have to paint the blacktop. I almost remember my script. We also had library.

By Noor

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We Ksusha and I is big pekchr. Its Ghana.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thera vanneste

Yesterday we did caught bee-ing kind and we did p.e. and we did budys we did are budys maing moeves.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Anna's blogg

I wasn't here yesterday because I had very bad alergy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Movies,movies and more movies

On Friday we pland how we are going to make are one big movie. We pland that we are going make one big movie.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday we started our muvis about Brazil, Ghana, India, Japan, U.S.A.,Germany, Cyprus.And I and kereligin taked entervu from Mss. Verier . And yesterday it was Lexi day. Lexi came to our class after morning brack and go with us to music and staed with us for Lanch. And yesterday we has music in the librery.And in Math we has to mesher our nack and lags and mesher sids of the shaps with pearemieter.And we has to read a book about the contry and rited on the piece of papoure. Me and kerelgin has to rite and read qestions to Mss. Verior because Mss . Verier is from Indea she rowt us shool and children in English leters and in Indean leters in two duferent ways in Indien leters Mss. Verier saed that in Indea twente five lengwiges.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yesterday we began making movies about a child's life around the world. My partner is Vira. The country me and my partner picked is Japan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arturs the hero!

Arturs saved the fish!

When we came back from vacation our fish tank was dirty. We tryed to clean it but it was to hard to get the dirt away.The next day Arturs came to help us and saved the fish's. He caught them with his bare hands. Even Big Fish. His a hero! by Fernanda

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Karlijns blog

Yesterday second grade got ice craem!!!! You could choose if you whanted choclate vanilla or both. We even got a new girl!!!! She is caled Sofia. Our book orders came, and the class pretended they had lies so they went to the taecher the taecher got so scared that she stood on a chair

Monday, April 18, 2011


On Friday I was not here because I went to London and then to Scotland. On Friday we got a suprise but I didn't have it.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Anna's blogg

Yesterday we found out that we can't buy ''fishka'' anymore. So we wrote a letter to Mr. Glisen. And today we found out that we really can't buy ''fishka'' anymore. And we were telling our animal reports to the kindergarden. And also we started making our Europe quilts.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Yesterday we did quilt fraction math with paper. We also shared facts about Europe. One fact is that it's the smallest continent. we are happy thet we took class pictures the day before because Charles was already on vacation yesterday. by Noor

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Yesterday Noor wasn't hair in the moerning and we did yesterday p.e. and we did on p.e. playing gams and we did yesterday computers we did on the computers finshing are stores

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Yesterday we meshered the area and the perimiter of our desk.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Anna's blogg

On Friday I wasn't here. I was sick in my bed. So I can't tell you anithing. I am sorry! Finaly all of our second grade is here! Huray!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Yesterday we had P.E. and in P.E. we played memary cone tag but we had some balls and you had to put them in the coloured ring