Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi my name is carlotta i come from Germeny.my fawerit


Anonymous said...

Hello Carlotta,
this is your aunt Rebecca. I think it is a great idea to write a blog about what happens during your school-day. I love to read more about you and your friends. I like the pictures and the videos, especially the one that is called "around the world". Have a nice day, hope to see you soon.
Bye bye!

mum said...

Hi Lotti,
what is new in class? When do you write a new comment? I like to read more :-)

Opa said...

Hi Carlotta,
now we are back in Hamburg and it is still raining here. Everyday we look to the beautiful photos from our sightseeing- tour in St. Petersburg.
We wish you some nice days this week and we like to read some more,
your grandfather and grandmother
from Bergedorf