Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey!my name is Misha Im


Hy,my name is Noor.I come from the Netherlands.


my name is ksusha I am from rasha. I


Hiy miy name is thera i cam fram holend i spek dach.


Hi my name is Arthur.I come from the UK.

noud the best

Hey! my name is Noud I'm a secendgrader I'm rely good in soccer and I come from Holland.


Hi my name is carlotta i come from Germeny.my fawerit


(David's picture is coming.)

Hi my name is David i am a secend greader you can come to my house


Hi,my name is Elisa.I'm from korea.I came to russia because my dad have to work here.and I also have to learn english.I like my school more then korea school.But I don't know why.I'm in second grade now.It's very fun!



hi my name is jonathan im from usa my favorite gam


Hi my name Vera yestuday we lirnd abaut atoms

Monday, August 30, 2010


we hav the moosik wehav a math werad rumonu misha

Friday, August 27, 2010


Yesterday we did lots of reading assesments we also did some math and then
we had lunch then we had reasesa then we did some of grand chidren books

Thursday, August 26, 2010


yestday we mad childrin arun the werld.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


we did a lat of thing we did riting alt we hed lansc and play alt and pakc ap andog
and og hom and it was a good day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I went to school with my family yesterday.I met my teacher and went home.Then I packed my backpack then I went to bed.But I could not sleep.I was very exited.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's a new year!

Welcome to all the new second graders--and the second graders' families. I'm delighted to be back in school with this bunch of eager learners. We are ready for a FABULOUS year!

Miss Christian ;>