Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Yesterday some children papermashade. The children where Ciara ,Boo Min,Tara,Tuule.
The first ones that went were Ciara and Boo Min. Boo Min was finished when it was Lunch
time. The second ones were Ciara and Tara. The third one was Tuule. The fiveth were
Ciara, Tuule , Tara. Ciara worked the whole day. Tara was a half day like Tuule.
Boo Min was only one time because her castle was little. Ciara and Boo Min were working during art. At russian time Ms.Galina was late. So Ms.Marina was there. We only played one game.
The first recces it was a horrible recces because my big glases broke of a ball in my face
and I had blood on my finger. At home I fell of my bycicle and I fell on rough ground.
It was a horrible day for me.

1 comment:

second grade said...

I'm glad today is going better, Julia!

-Miss Christian ;>