Monday, May 24, 2010


Links in second grade are like money. We earn them by good homework,spoke person,and friday letter.

We can buy candy, stickers, a pencil, a kinderegg, lego car, lunch with Mr. Gleason, ice cream, wear a hat in class, inside recess, homework pass, and a book. They candy cost 5 links, stickers cost 5 links, a pencil cost 10 links, a kinderegg cost 15 links, a lego car cost 25 links, lunch with Mr. Gleason cost 25 links, ice cream cost 25 links, wear a hat in class cost 25 links, inside recess cost 25 links, homework pass cost 50 links, and a book cost 50 links.

We have different links because blue links are 1 worth, yellow links are 5 worth, red links are 10 worth, green links are 25 worth.

Some people like to spend their links and some people like to save them. I like to spend. I buy pencils and candy.

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