Monday, May 31, 2010


On friday it was the TALENT SHOW! A talent show is when people from our school do what they do best. Our class did a play called , Love Amy.

Yesterday I went to the St. Petersburg's circus. I saw elephants,big cats,and clowns. It was very fun. My Mom and brothers and Grandma came with me. We were in the 9th row it was o.k. We had a good time

Friday, May 28, 2010


Yestrday we had liblary and we biled castals. The castals were maied of cared bored thet is way we saved cared bored. We had ideas that are hanging out of awer class room. We had a birds eyevue. A birds eyevue is wean a jient chops doun the roth and a bird flys by. The ather one was the side. The side is wean soom one is looking on a mouten and looking at your castal. In awer castals we have a Gret hall, kishen, the kings and qenns bed room,stabul, chepal and a well. On monday we will do paper mache and than we will pant them and if we have time we will do dolls and little animals that cood fit in awer castal.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


yesterday we drew are castles to thing for are plan to make a small castle. today we are makeing are castles for the medieval museum.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yesterday we had p.e. On p.e We playd magic ball and baseball. On p.e. we playd a new game their are 4 circles in a row they are diffrent colores. You can pick your own rule like jump.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Yesterday we learned about mashines. We did Russian and we did art. Simple mishines are pulleys, wheels, screw, wedge, ramp, lever. Mashines are things that make your werk easyer.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Links in second grade are like money. We earn them by good homework,spoke person,and friday letter.

We can buy candy, stickers, a pencil, a kinderegg, lego car, lunch with Mr. Gleason, ice cream, wear a hat in class, inside recess, homework pass, and a book. They candy cost 5 links, stickers cost 5 links, a pencil cost 10 links, a kinderegg cost 15 links, a lego car cost 25 links, lunch with Mr. Gleason cost 25 links, ice cream cost 25 links, wear a hat in class cost 25 links, inside recess cost 25 links, homework pass cost 50 links, and a book cost 50 links.

We have different links because blue links are 1 worth, yellow links are 5 worth, red links are 10 worth, green links are 25 worth.

Some people like to spend their links and some people like to save them. I like to spend. I buy pencils and candy.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Yesterday we learend about the day of king, noble, knight, prist,and peasent. The pesent does wake up work , sleep. but the knight does prey , eat breakfast , ride horses , take care of squirs ,lunch ,prey , fun time.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yoon Seo

Yesterday we did facts about castle. I said Prague castle was biggest and I was speaker. We leaned all of cursive lower case. So we are going to do capital cursive. We had computer and p.e. We had some write in computer and played zipper channel chaos I went to 9level Gabi kipped game that level is 11. My afterschool was soccer clup. We had 6 and they had 4 so we won. I was first won to me. 2 loses 1 tie 1 win.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

extra, extra

Breaking news!

Boo Min has 101 links!!
She's the first second grader to have 100 links this year.

We've learned all our lower-case cursive letters!

Only 22 more school days until we're third graders.


Yesturday we had buddies, compuers and p.e. In buddies the buddies told us stories and we had to check if they read it from a book and other things. In p.e we played throught and catch, and in computers we had free writing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


yesterday we were doing pratse for the show. We were choosing what to do. We were making a

Monday, May 17, 2010

Soo Min

On Friday I was little bid sad. Because, it's Lindsay's LAST day. I think she go America and she will be happy...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


yesterday we went to P.E. in P.E. we did fishy fish fish then we did a game .We need to go in two groups . Then we need to do a job one is a job somone from a another job rolles the ball and someone from my team kickes it. then one person runse around our team before the other team gose in a line and pass the ball over there head. After pe we went inside then we were people from the medievil times SooMin was the Queen Lotta and darren were Nobles Ciara , yoon seo and BooMin and Mark were Knights. I and Gabriele and some other people were pesents. I Can't read only Tuule the prest could only read back then and we now new that BooMin has 99 links!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yesterday we talked about Medieval times. What we know, what we think we know, what we want to find out. The blue is for what we know. The yellow is for what we think we know. And the purple is for what we want to find out. For homework we had to find out the things in Medieval times. Yesterday we also had P.E. we played a game that is kind of like baseball.
There were fielders and kickers. The kicker has to kick the ball then run with the whole group then the fielders have to catch the ball and they need to pass two times and then nok down the little soft ball then the kickers have to stop and say how much rounds they ran. We also had computers only one person was ilistrating the book that was Heidi. After computers we had buddies. We had to read 3 books.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


On Sunday it was Victory day. I went to see a pard it was a long pard. Men and women were walking in the steets. People smeiled at the men and women.

Friday, May 07, 2010


yasterday we had library. At the library we have nowe books. The books were about contries . The cantries were Terky, Holened and Frents. But their were more books and they were not about one contry they were about meny contres put together . One book was about how do people selabrait bathtyas. The amaizing thing that I want to tell you is that 28 days left of school! Lindsay's lest day is on the 14 of May. Heidis last day is on June 4. Victory Day is on the 10th of May. Mark's brthtay is on 24 of May. My brthtay is on the 30th of May. Today is the 7th of May. It is Friday.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


yesterday we were doing a time line . this morning we had to stey inside to do are math and then we can go outside.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Yesterday we had p.e.outside.Friday was our lastday inside p.e.In small gym.Today we will have p.e. again outside.Today we will have music and russian.Today in south korea is chidrens day.On monday it will be victory day.On the 14 lindsey will be gone.On 24 is mark's birthday.On 30 it's gabriela's birthday.On june 4 heidi's will be gone.On friday mark is coming to my house.Sune we will learn about knights and casels.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Yesterday we looked at the film. We made it by our selfs by the end of the film we made joke! hahahahaha!

Monday, May 03, 2010


Yesterday we had the flea market. At the flea market you sel stuff that you don`t want but you don`t sel stuff that are broken or dirdy. Yesterday was fun. We also could play football, paint faces, three legged race, walk on stiks, and throw cans. I sold a bike, rings, parent books, beads, bags, trivet, english books, dutch books, skielers, briefkases and other stuff.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

our movie

*Apologies to Darren and Tuule! The technology gremlins have eaten the end of their portion of the movie. We'll reshoot theirs and put the updated version here as soon as Tuule returns.