Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Yesterday we had Rusian but we also learnd how to say hy to the sun.After that we leard a show for our moms and dads.But we had to write how we start our day.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a show for moms and dads! And when do we get to see it? Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Tanks for the comment. You will see it on Halloween or Christmastime I think.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tuule dear! We enjoyed your events of the day! Looking forward to see you soon.
Love,your grandparents from Tallinn

Epp said...

A show for moms and dads, but what about aunts and other relatives?! :-)

Nice to see you're doing great. We miss you guys so much here in Frankfurt.

See you at Christmas. Then we will greet the Sun together, OK?

Epp & Björn