Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Making Movies

As loyal blog followers know, the second graders made movies this week. But you may not know all that went into these movies.

  • Students chose a partner with whom they thought they'd work well.
  • They chose the country they wanted to research--but it couldn't be their home country. We wanted to make sure we represented six different continents.
  • Using books and websites, students learned about how children lived in their chosen country.
  • Together they wrote a script, keeping in mind what CULTURE meant.
  • They designed their own backgrounds and costumes.
  • They memorized their scripts.
  • And, with only ONE rehearsal, they recorded their movies.

We hope you enjoy watching the videos below and learning about how children live in different cultures.

1 comment:

A J and S said...

Wow! Great work, guys and gals.
Must have been fun making the video.