Thursday, March 05, 2009


Today we selebrated MASLENITASA !!!! We made dolls you could make a grandma or a boy. We went on a slide. There is a big slide. by Sophia

Here we are with first and fourth grades around the remains of the maslenitsa. We watched it burn while we walked around it. Its head collapsed towards Mr. Alm! That means he will have good luck this year.

After we played games outside and ate pancakes, we spilt into two groups to play games and do some traditional crafts. This group is in the log house playing a game.

Here are the big slides. Even though they weren't very icy, we had fun sliding.

We finished the day by climbing on a huge snow fort. It was a great day! We think spring will soon be here.

1 comment:

Sabine said...

Hello, it was a great day. I had a lot of fun with the class.