Friday, May 30, 2008

John's Castle

Hello young and old people! Please take a tour to the Christiansen Towers. I am Sir John, your tour guide, today. This is the Courtyard, me and Sir Bob (Christiansen) used to have jousts. We have to inpress Queen Oxona. Me and Sir Bob laugh after the joust. We do not Brag! Because if we do, we can not be free. Now we move to the Great Chamber. King Peter lives here. He thinks it is a bedroom which it is. Let’s move to the Dongeon. Here we take the unwelcome “visoters”. You don’t want to end up here! Last but not least the castle keep. We look for our enymys that try to invade the Christiansen Towers. It’s a little scary but you get use to it. We all have to look for the enymy. I hope you

had a trumendus tour. See you later!

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