Friday, May 30, 2008


Yesterday 3rd grade,Mrs Weatley and our parents came.We told them about our castles.


In the posts below, our castle makers are pictured with the castles they made. And, they have done a little writing for you to explain everything. We also drew maps of our castles and had them on display. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour of our castles. (Many thanks to the parents, third graders and Mrs. Wheatley who were able to drop by in person to see our castles! We were so pleased to be able to share them with you!)

Miss Christian ;>

Alice's Castle

the castles of the dragons.

In this castle it’s dark and windy it has two floors and the king live here. Every Tuesday theirs a feast people come to eat and look at theaters they eat vegtwbles and bred ,sosige and more. sometimes their is weddings in the graithall . The kitshen is were they cook the food the cook never tells her name.

now let’s continue up stairs in the is were the king keeps his clothes they keep save here so no one will katsh them. much more longer we kant go but I can tell you about it here in that room the kings apartment is you can say. I’ts cald great bedcharmber there is more rooms in there but we can’t go that far and I hope you don’t won’t to go to the dungen.but this is the grait castle of England!

Anton's Castle

If I had a castle it would have two floors . It would have seven rooms . If it was it would have a kitchen 5 bedrooms and an army room . if it was it would have 150 knights . If it was it would be called The Knight Castle.

Batu's Castle

My сastle’s name is scary сastle.

It has a doengon, a great hall, a royal apartmant, a draw brighge and a armory. The Royal Apartmant is where the king and queen’s room is. The great hall is where they eat. The armory is where they keep the weapons.

Cailey's Castle

Cailey’s Castle

Cailey’s Castle has 4 rooms.

The weppens room is very inprtent.

Chea Ryung's Castle

My castle has five rooms. A chapel, garden, kitchen, great hall and a king’s room.

The four towers are where the knights and the peasants slept.

The great hall was where they had a feast and had some celebraions.

The chapel was a small church in the castle.

The garden had beautiful flower


In the kitchen they prepared food for the people in the castle but they did not eat in the kitchen .

The king’s room is where the king slept.

My castle’s name is Beauty castle because it is beautiful.

Chris' Castle

My castle has olny one floure.But i hawe one chitshen and.A haweone king not atec. bad and i prinses bed and they hawe lats of serfs beds and one drou pritsh and my.Castle has a water areunt it bicas the enimis cen kam

John's Castle

Hello young and old people! Please take a tour to the Christiansen Towers. I am Sir John, your tour guide, today. This is the Courtyard, me and Sir Bob (Christiansen) used to have jousts. We have to inpress Queen Oxona. Me and Sir Bob laugh after the joust. We do not Brag! Because if we do, we can not be free. Now we move to the Great Chamber. King Peter lives here. He thinks it is a bedroom which it is. Let’s move to the Dongeon. Here we take the unwelcome “visoters”. You don’t want to end up here! Last but not least the castle keep. We look for our enymys that try to invade the Christiansen Towers. It’s a little scary but you get use to it. We all have to look for the enymy. I hope you

had a trumendus tour. See you later!

Elle's Castle

The orange castle.

My castle is called the orange castle because the outside is orange. There are only 3 rooms in the castle ! The rooms are a bedchamber , the great hall (where they eat) , and the armoury. (Were they make swords and other metal things). It is very wet in the armoury.

The orange castle is in Great Britian.

The king always eats dinner at the great hall.

Karoline's Castle

The castle

It’s named Gostgost.

The castle has 8 rooms and 5 towers. The 8 room are Kitchen, Great hall, stable, Kanhel, Library, Dungeon, Garden place and the keep.

There are 101 knights.

The kanhel is where the dogs.

My castle it is cold.In the kitchen is to cook.

In the stable there’re hourses.

Katya's Castle

My Castle

My castle is called the castle of blue. There are 8 rooms. It has 2 floors. It has a stable, dungeon, kitchen, great hall, drawbridge, armory, pig-pen and a bee-room. It has 100 knights.

Liza's Castle

My castle

My castle is called the Green Dragon. It has 5000 dragons. It has only one floor. People that built it didn’t finish it. But the people that live in it are happy with it.

Matthew's Castle

Kings Castle

The name of my castle is Kings Castle. The reason I called my castle Kings Castle is that it is so big and a King’s castle is so big. The rooms in my castle are then great hall, the great bed chamber, the lookout, the kitchen, the chapel and the armory.

Oran's Castle

The Golden Castle my castle has 5 rooms a kitchen, great hall, bed room, a dungeon and a stable. The great hall is the biggest. And the stable was the fattest. The great hall is when they have a feest. The kitchen is where they make the food. The bed room is where the knight’s slept. The dungeon is where the bad people where. The stable was for the horses to rest. it was always dark and warm. to see they went to the canon hole there was light

Ruben's Castle

The Freeky Castle

Each wall in my castle has two shooting holls.Every Sunday there is a big feest in the great hall. It has two towers.There are two floors. Upstairs is the kings bedroom.The people fel save in the castle. There are 100 knights. There as nefer had fight.The stable was voor the horses to rest.

Selin's Castle

My Colorful Castle

I n my castle there is 1 great hall,1 kithchen,1 deongeoun,1 armory and the kings and quins beadroom.

Sophie's Castle

Building A Castle

Building a castle is fun but hard. It’s hard because it never wants to stick. A castle has 1 bedchamber, 4 towers, 1 kitchen, 1 gatehouse, 1butery, 1courtyard, 1fierplace, 1drawbridge and 1 moat. Usually it has 2 floors. A castle is big. A king lives in a big castle. A noble lives in a small castle. Then we have to paper mache it. It makes a big mess. Then we painted it. I named it Sofia.

My castle is named Sofia. It has4 towers,2 are dungen1 is the knights room the 4th one is the serfs room. The king sleeps in the Graet bedchamber.The king keeps his close in the wardrobe. The bishop is inchardge of the chaple.They eat in the graet hall.The coock is in the kitchen.By the fireplace it’s warm.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today Elery spent all her links.she is leving tomorow thats why.we will miss her but she will come back in 3g.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Today Miss.Christian is not here. We had Miss.Pestan.

Friday, May 23, 2008


yesterday we painted our castles.It was fun.At art we had to put water on a paper and we drawed on it with markers.We had music too.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


we learned how to multiplied. Elle IS LEAFING GRADE 2 OVER 6 DAY! we know more about simple machines

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today we nearly finished paper masheying there are only three people that aren't finished. We started lerning about simpl masheens. Miss Christian lost her voes as well.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Today Miss Christian was not here. But we had fun. We had music and P.E .

Thursday, May 15, 2008


We were makeing castle.
Many are finished.
The castles look so nise.
We had fun thing to do.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today, we made castles out of cylinders, boxes, rectangular prisims. We also can make on Thursday. But Friday, we do another thing called "Paper Mashey".


We are making medival castle.

idle (that's a spelling word)

It seems my second grade bloggers have been idle of late. But, we certainly haven't! I'll make sure they get to the computer to update you. Until then, here are two castle sites we really like:

Miss Christian ;>

Friday, May 02, 2008


today we gloud on people on the midelagesthing and MissChristian byd a Calender it was very cool
one even of it was in rusiaen

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Yesterday it was Liza's birthday. she was 8 years old.We also had P.E.We made a feudal sistem.
I was the king.