Friday, June 01, 2007

The Hermitage

We went to the the Hermitage. We had lots of fun. We saw a muummy. Mr.Alain came with us. We drew the Hermitage.


Miss Christian says, "Be sure to stop by and see the pencil drawings second grade did of the Hermitage. They're on display outside our classroom. I think you'll agree they're fabulous!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Markus!
Mummies are cool! I remember that you wrote about mummies in this blog a few months ago. Say, "hi" to your family from me and have a great summer!
Mr. MacLachlan

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Christian,

I have a request. Could you put a picture of a pencil drawing on the blog. I really want to see one.

Mr. MacLachlan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Christian! I also would also like to see one of these fabulous pencil drawings! Can you please post one? I would love too see some beautiful artwork from your young artists!