Friday, April 27, 2007


on wednesday Georg got 100 links. (I was blogger on wednesday.)

today we went to Peter and Paul Fortress. my favorite part was when the cannon shot. it was so loud! The ground shook. We will put pictures when Ms. Mellillo brings back the camera cabel.
Edited by Miss Christian to add: Above is a picture of our class at the exact moment the cannon was fired. I jumped when I took this picture! Below is an exact copy of the angel that is on top of the spire on the cathedral at the fortress. We learned that a man who repaired the actual angel (it's 122.5 meters high!) was given the reward of eating at any restraunt, cafe or pub in St. Petersburg for free for the rest of his life. We think that was a great reward! We made wished on the angel's feet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!
Mr. MacLachlan