Thursday, December 14, 2006

re: Pluto for Mr. M

Dear Mr. MacLaughlin,

We wanted to comment about your comment, but our bloggers have been pressed for time.(We love getting your comments.)So, we've nominated our fasted typer to tell you what we think.

We know that some people consider Pluto a planet and some people do not. Second grade is divided on this issue. Some of think Pluto is a planet. Some of us think it's a comet. Some of us aren't sure. It makes us question what makes a planet a planet! The fact that Pluto is unlike the other outer planets (we're very good at identifying patterns and relationships thanks to our morning analogies...and general quest to make sense of the world) and has an orbit more like a comet than the other planets makes us wonder. We all agree if Pluto IS a planet, it's very unlike the other planets.

What do YOU think?
Miss Christian, on behalf of second grade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think either! I guess I will call Pluto a "dwarf planet". Did you know that scientists discovered three other dwarf planets in our solar system? I love astronomy! Mr. MacLachlan