Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Today we filed in graphs about birth order. Halph children in our class were the youngest.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eliana.
Your graph sounds fun. I wonder who was on the younger half. Mr. MacLachlan

Anonymous said...

Hi Eliana,
Sounds like an interesting exercise. Keep up the good work! Daddy

second grade said...

Mr. M: The students in our class who are the youngest in their family are: Sung Je, Karolina, Rianto, In Ho, Sarah, Leah and Georg. We also had four oldest children(CET, Ken, Jan & Sasha), two middle children (Markus & Josef), and one only child(Eliana).

Anonymous said...

Oh! I didn't understand your description of the graph. Now I understand. I am an oldest child like Cet, Ken, Jan and Sasha. Mr. MacLachlan