Monday, October 30, 2006


We don't have spelling test this week. Today for homework is read and log. Tomorow is Helloween!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Tday we will wach peter pan.Maybe it fun !

Monday, October 16, 2006

from Miss Christian

It's a busy week in second grade!

TUESDAY, 17 October, is “What You Want to Be” Day. Dress up as what you'd like to be when you grow up.

THURSDAY, 19 October, is the AASSP musical “Peter Pan”. Please come support your classmates! The play is at 6:30 p.m. at school 157. Maps are available.

On FRIDAY, 20 October, we’re going to have a seafood tasting part to celebrate all we’ve learned about the ocean. Please send some seafood to school for us to taste. You’re welcome to join us at 2:30 on Friday afternoon.

Lastly, if you are leaving early for fall break, please send a note and let me know.

spelling words: who, what, when, where, why, how, whose, who's, which

Thursday, October 12, 2006


We lorn abeud reys dae tasend hav bouns. We had pe. we had art.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Today we filed in graphs about birth order. Halph children in our class were the youngest.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I will give someone a blue whale soon. We lerned about Matisse in art.


pen pals

Here's a picture of our pen pals in Tennessee. Can you find your pen pal in the picture? We've enjoyed making friends with children from across the ocean! We're excited to keep writing to them so we can hear all about THEIR year in second grade.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I was very eceeding. Kens tooth fell out just when I was reading. Maybe the tooth fairy will come.


The new AASSP website will soon be launched. To capture the attention of prospective students and parents, we are looking for a catch phrase that describes what AASSP is all about.

**All entries should be less than ten words.
**Submit all entries to Mrs. Wheatley's mailbox no later than Thursday, October 12.
**Individual, Group or Class entries are all welcome. Entries must include
participants' names.

The winning slogan will appear on our new home page.

Monday, 9 October

NEXT Wednesday, 18 October, is “What You Want to Be” Day. Start planning now what you’ll wear to school to show everyone what you want to be when you grow up.

NEXT Thursday, 19 October, is the AASSP musical “Peter Pan”. Please come support your classmates—and enjoy a great evening of theatre.

We've had letters from our penpals in Tennessee and comments on our blog from a former AASSP teacher. Second grade is enjoying being part of the information age!

Keep up the good work on your spelling words. We've had very good spelling tests so far. If you child has not brought home his/her spelling book to show you, please let them know you'd like to see their tests.

Spelling words this week for list one: everything, something, anything, nothing, everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everyone, someone, anyone, no one

Spelling words this week for list two: of, in, that, is, good, happy

Have a great week!
Miss Christian ;>

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Today in art we did someing about levs. It was fun.


yestday we did p.e. and we read my noghty little sister.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Leah's news

Today I had fan at rese with ET. We maed a flip book about whales. My favrt whale is the blue whale becuase its the biget almmal.

bits and bobs

Please remember to bring your sport shoes for p.e. The facility we are using will not let the children in without their sport shoes.

Spelling words this week: little, children, they, said, says, could, should, would, because, maybe