Friday, June 17, 2011

Rain & rain

Yeserday It was raining very much.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

one more game

Play Nova's Destroy the Castle.

The Living Museum

Yesterday we had the living museum. The costumes were so beautiful and everyone spoke very good. And everyone had very beautiful backgrounds. After all the classes that needed to come, our parents came. Then after our parents came, we had a party. We ate coockies, apples and we drank apple juce. Then after the party we reapeated our words and we showed our medieval diaries to our parents.

by Anna

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ksusha & Arthur

Yesterday we were prectesing for the living museum. by Ksusha

The living museum is today we are exited and nervas at the same time. Hope you like it.
by Arthur

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday's computer time

Hello, second graders!

Are you being kind and helpful? Are you working like second graders? I'm sure you are!

Here are some fun activities for your computer time today:

You can make a shield by clicking here or a coat of arms by clicking here.

You can go and explore Kid's Castle some more. This is where you can dress the knight. (Refresh the page if it says "Service Unavailable". Ask Fernanda if you don't know how.)

When you're finished, use the rest of your computer time to finish any story that you're working on.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Miss Christian ;>

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Birthday Blog

Yesterday was Ksusha and Misha's Birthday. It was so much fun that I could blow my ears off! At the end of the party, Misha and Ksusha gave us magic tricks. Mine was you take out the red ball of a little thing and then make it reappear again.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Yesterday we started are living musuam. I am doing the church.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Yesterday We ...

Yesterday some people finished their castles. We started the liveing museum. The 5th graders cleaned out the fish tank.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Ksusha's Blog

Yesterday we started to paint castles. It was fun! We were all in paint. We painted the castles with gray paint.

Monday, June 06, 2011

I FINISHED OLGA DA POLGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm reading a book cald "Olga Da Polga." I was reading the last chapter cald " An Unexpected visit." Olga got a new waterbol with OLga da Polga on it!! When I came here in Russia I could choose a cup. It's four years old. I would like to be in this book because it's very interesting. I would like to be Olga because she is smart.

by Noor

I am almost done !

I am reding Romona the brave its so funny.

by Fernanda


I' m reding flat Stanley.

I reade that Stanley was flat and he had a nufe to be flat because he was a big time oreedye very long flat. So his berother. Aerther he did smthing bad to Stanley he did a pump and then arther did pole and let go and then Stenley becam back noermole.

my book

I am reading Hellen Keller.

Anie is trieing to teach hellen, but it does not work. Anie rielysd that Hellen and Anie have to live together.

by Karlijn

Encyclopedia Brown and the case of.the Ginger Ale

Encyclopedia said That the ice was filled with ginger ale, but it's almost impossible to fill ice with a drink so I don't know why they said that Hans filled the ice with ginger ale. I like this book because they have mistakes and I love finding the mistakes.

by Charles


I am reading the book called THE DRAGONS OF BLUELAND.

Boris and Elmer flew back to Blueland to save Borises parents. Elmer made a plan: Elmer and -
The boxcar children find thier grandfather .
On Friday we haed sports day my ferst station was the cone station there was five stations. The baskit ball station, the cone station, the base ball station, the football station, and the jamping station and the runing station and the throuing station. After lunch we haed inside reases. then we go outside and play a little bite then we haed a race with the balls we haed to run to the baskit with the balls.

Friday, June 03, 2011

papermashaing,papermashaing and again papermashaing

Yesteday we papermashade our castels. Anna and Sofia finished papermashaing their castels. Carlotta and I did not finished. We also can't finish it anymore because it made a big mess. But when it dries it gets texture. All people with big castels didn't finish papermashaing.

By Noor van Vuuren

Thursday, June 02, 2011


We dad casol.Anna and I, finesh, and we read book.Carlotta finesh you big book and read two book. I read three little.seshh. a

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Thera vanneste

We did yesterday to see the simple mushens whith the 8th graders. And it's the last day of may.