Monday, February 28, 2011


yesterday I was on Vacation. I had a doovay day and in the eavaning I could not sleep. I got to sleep at 1:00!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yesterday we read Wombat Stew the dindo was a dum dingo he put mud in there.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anna's blogg logg


Dr. Moore went to get his mother. " Mother", he said, " this is Mr James Henry Alden. " He wants to take his grandchildren to live with him". Mr. James Henry Alden wanted to to see the children. But the children didn't want to see him. Then Mrs. Moore came and asked Mr. James Henry Alden to sit in the living room. Finally Henry came out. It was time to eat dinner. Mr. Henry James Alden ate together with them. Mr. James Henry Alden talked about his little cucumber that he growed in a bottle. Doctor Moore told Henry that the men was the childrens grandfather. Than the men went to Jessies room to check her. "Jessie"! Said Henry. "It is our grandfather"! Than they all went to see the boxcar. There Mr. James Henry Alden said, "let's see my house tomorrow, and you could live there if you like it.
I red Nate the Great and Snowy Trail. 

 Nate the Graet was bilding himself and the Sludge from the snow then he saw  Rozamend with her cats . She told Nate that she lost his Birthday Present. So Nate the Great got to the Rosamund house to look for her footprints.Then he went home and start thinking about this case.
Misha's Read and Log


spy dog

Lara was a dog. A man came by and tryed to hurt her. But he did not get her. by Arthur

I forgot mybook!

Australian day

(Note: the links in this post are to YouTube videos.)

Yesterday Mrs.Thomson came and talked about Australia. She teatched us 4 songs kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, sun Arise, waltzing Matilda and Carra Barra Wirra Canna. And she teatched us 2up.
by Carlotta


Karlijn's shipment has FINALLY arrived!
(Miss Christian did not take a photo of all the boxes.)

Karlijn can FINALLY stop living in a hotel.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yester day we had a fili trip it was fun there was a big big! slide it was very fun and we pated we paned a heors it was nise to pante a heors. And we did playing gamse and sam singe and we did salbeted the and of cerisms of Maslenitsa.

by Thera

(Parents, we'd love for you to add any photos or videos of the day here!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yesterday we had a party. With cookies and chocklate. We were playing a game called o honey if you love me won't you please please smile. You are trying to make someone lough.

Monday, February 14, 2011


                                                     BEARS ON HEMLOK MOUNTAIN

Jonathan was eight years old. And his mother let him go to the Hemlok Mountain.

I luke this book because it's a new book and I like to have new books.
I red Nate the Great.
This book is about the boy and his dog. This boy were detective. And the dog's name was Sladge. They solved the cases together.


Noor's log blog

Ramona alwasys had a bad day in first grade. I sometimes have a bad day but I don't always have a bad day. My favorite thing about Ramona is that she always has something she doesn't like. But I don't want to be her because I would start to cry after a week and I would it to tell to my mom. I want to be Beezus because she almost never gets introuble.

the boxcar children (by arthur)

Henry went to a doctor's mother and she gave him a dollar. Benny made a fire place out of flat stones.

Vilot was watching him do it. Benny liked it very much.

I would like to build a fire place out of stones.

Velantines Day

In Friday we dekerad boxes for velantines day. We also finish our secret cupid and put it in the envelopes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

David's greetings

Hello everybody in St. Pete!

We are already in Moscow. Today we visited our new school and met with our new schoolmates. On the picture, you can see my sister and school building is behind us. I miss you all and hope we will see each other soon again.

Here is my e-mail address:

Looking forward to your comments. Let's stay in touch. David
Ysterday we rowte New story in cirsev. And we had Muice in librery.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Noor's blog

Yesterday we did a lot of cursive we learned r s a d . And we allready started secret cupid .And in the night the tv it started to hang . from noor

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Tuesday it was David's last day and we did on Tuesday pe

Tuesday, February 08, 2011



Monday, February 07, 2011

Anna's blogg

On Friday we had read and relax day. For the special guest reader it was Mr. Glisean! Mr. Glisean was reading one of his favorite books. We hada very fun day!

Love, Anna

Friday, February 04, 2011

about groundhog day

If grend hog sow his shadow spring will comes after six weeks. Or if he don't see his shadow spring is soon.

Misha & Ksusha


I lost my tooth!
(I pulled it out at lunch.)


Yesterday we did a news story about llamas . One fact about the llama is it needs a little water.
We also did a long news story.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

for Mr. H

Today it's snowy and wet. It was above freezing this morning! It is all most 3C at lunch! That means snow is melting and the playground is VERY WET!

But we're very glad the groundhog didn't see his shadow yesterday.
by Thera and Arthur


Today we talked about llamas and the Andes Mountains. Here is a silly song we like that has very little to do with llamas.

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
Goin' to the dentist today

Seems a little crazy
Guess you're just too lazy
You've gotta get your teeth cleaned today

Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin' to the dentist, oo-ee
Yes, it's just my llama and me

Tell me if you feel afraid
Remember just to whisper softly into my ear
I won't leave and go away
You know I'm gonna be right here.

Open up wide now
Let him look inside now
'Cause after this we'll go on our way

I won't let him hurt you
I'll be right there beside you
And I can tell that you'll be okay

Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin' to the dentist, oo-ee
Yes, it's just my llama and me

Da da da da da da (etc.)
'Cause after this we'll go out and play

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
The sun is bright and now we are free
Yes, it's just my llama and me


Yesterday the groundhog didn't see his shedow. And we had facts about toukan.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Yesterday we finished our bloglog and we have five pages of math and we are finished with the first voliume. We leared about rainforest monkeys. The howler monkey is the loudest monkey in the rainforest.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Yesterday some people were reading with Ms.Chistian and the parent's of Ksusha and Misha. After reading we did blog log! And we did buz groops.