Monday, January 31, 2011

blog logs!

We thought you might be interested in knowing what everyone in second grade is reading right now. So, instead of doing our reading logs in our notebooks, we put them here on the blog. (There are ten blog logs under this post.)

We hope you enjoy our blog logs. Maybe it will make you want to read along with us!

The chalk box kid


Gregory makes a garden out of chalk but when he comes to school and tells about it.

Gregory and I both like to drow


I reading Nate the great goes undercover. Nate the great went in library and red all the books about the birds that is coming out to eat. Next night he saed to his mom thet he will sleep outside in dogshouse but in the dogshoue it wore not so match spase so he go in the garbege can to see hwo is puting garbege over. NATE THE GRAET GOSE UNDERCOVER. I like Nate the graet because there is nise pikcgers.



Gregory found a place for a garden. But he did a drowing garden. When it rained he afrad if the garnen will wash of. But it did not get of only some leaves got of . The next day he almoste late to schoocl. He said to his teacher that he was working on his garden. His teacher thought he had a normol garden. I like this chapter because it is about a garden and I like my garden at my datcha. If I was Gregory I wont drow a garden I would do it at the back of the house.

The Boxcar Children ( by Anna )

I am reading The Boxcar Children.

Henry was working in Mrs. Moores vegetable garden. Henry pulled out carrots. Henry worked
very hard. ''Great job''! Said Mrs. Moore. And gave her one dollar

What do you think will hapen next? I think Mrs. Moor and the doctor will let them sleep over in
their house.

Who was Helen Keller David

I am reading a book called Who was Helen Keller. It is a biography book.

Helen Keller was a deaf-blind girl. Helen wanted to visit Perkins school but Remove Formatting from selectionthe plans changed. Grover Cleveland invited Helen and her teacher to White House. I went to the castle where the czech president lives but I did not see him.

Amelia Earhart

I am reading a of biogerfyAmelia Earhart.The Eerharts where siting at the diner the table.And Mrs. Earhart said''do you whant to see a exiting thing"?the girles said yes.It was Hallys coment. Ialso whant to see a coment.


I 'm reading The stories Julian tells. So wat happind is the father said "oh no some thing is wrong the fig tree"! "So you really don't no anything about the fig tree" The father asked. "No i don't" Julian said.I would say the trought. I would never lie to my family. Poor family. If some body was lieing about me i would get made.

Noor's Log Blog

I'm reading Ramona The Brave. Ramona was laying in her bed.Howie's grandmother was kniting and waching T.V. Then Ramona came down the stairs and wrote a note to her mom she wrote :Come here Mother .Come her to me. I am similar from Ramona because some times I write a note to my mom. I sometimes write where I am or what I do. I like this book because it shows what also can happen in real.


I wanted to go to school. But I can not go because I was very sick.

Friday, January 28, 2011


yrsterday we finisht rainforest and we didn't have Music because Mr.metye didn't came.So we play a Math game with kaunter's

Thursday, January 27, 2011

By Noor

Yesterday Miss Christian went home early because Lexi came inside very bloody under her lip. So Miss Marisha had to teach us. We also had easy contraction homework. With P.E Mr.Illia & Mr.Nick had to spin the rope and we had to jump over it. When you mised it you had to do 5 jumping jacks. And my tooth came out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

By Thera.

we did yesterday math with muny and we did p.e.We did on p.e jumping and we did a litle bite of the rainforest because we are macing are classroom a rainforest! And we did buds we luernd them coerdsonforhede.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

our current second graders

Our class keeps changing! Here are the current second graders:

Fernanda and Charles, we're excited to have you join us!


Yestorday we started cursive. We lernd letters l,h and k.

Monday, January 24, 2011

On Friday we turned our classroom to a rainforest. We learned about Anacondas. Anacondas can

Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday we had facts about a snake that is named after one of our classmates. The snake is called a Anna-conda.






I tricked you it's realy called the anaconda.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday we talk about the 3 layers of the rainforest. And we came late back from p.e so we had no time finish our rainforest. So we read mrs. Piggle-wiggle it was a funny story about 3 children named Bobby Larry and Susan they didn't won't to bed I liked the chepter.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yesterday we made things for our rainforests. Ksusha and i did a flower for our rainforest.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yerster day we have Russinwe was finisheing what we did on the vacation.And we have to find compound words.And riting it for spelling words and sentensis I like it.

Monday, January 17, 2011


At Friday we had a good bye partty for Jonothan because he will not come to school any more.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Yesterday I did my homework .And after I sat in the restarent

Thursday, January 13, 2011

3D,Amazon River & new boy

Yesteday we made 3D shapes. Nobody fineshed it. We learened about the Amazon River. One fact is :it has the most water than any other river in the world! We also will get a new boy in Febuary. Miss Christian thinks he comes from Mexico. And Miss Christian will find out his name.

Noor van Vuuren

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


we did on Tuesday we made shapts and we had mufin's from Carlotta the culuer wus pingk and blak.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I wasn`t here yesturday

Monday, January 10, 2011

5 cildren in 2nd grade

Today it is the first day of school! And only 5 out of 11 children. It is INPOSIBLE!!!

by Mr. Merrick