Friday, April 30, 2010

Boo Min

Yester day I need to do only journal and movie. And we had to finish the script until tomorrow. And the people who was not finished the script they needs to hurry. But I didn't need to hurry because I finished the script . And every body finished the script and they did the movie and they remembered thescript veryvery well!!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yoon Seo

yesterday we work at movie. Movie is tomorrow... My movie is about Brazilian culture. In school, we had russian, music and p.e. It was a busy day. we learned about verb. We went to outside or inside and took piture that is verb. It was fun. It was in russian time one group is doing russian and another group is taking piture. Red group has 2 inside people 5 people. White group has 8 inside people.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


we have cichap today and Miss. christian is making fotes.we have russain and very mach things in 2 grade.


Yesterday we had computers and p.e. We also had lunch and recesses.
Yerturday in computers we working on our movie. In p.e we played blob tag.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yesterday we maked movies who where gon Tuule, Tara, Ciara,Darren,Fries and Heidi. Miss.Christian was making a grop. The pepole who gon them homework was math and facts about how children live in???????????. some pepole where working on them quirlt.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Yesterday we had library.We had to measure things in the classroom by feet,inches,dm and cm.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Yesterday we saw the videos on last year children who were in second grade they picked a partner, have a country, make castooms, and get facts from that country. We get one rehersal then we do it for real. I'm really excited! but Miss. Christian said that we should do it when everyone is here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yoon Seo

Yesterday There was five people in our class!!!!! Today there is five people in our class too! Because of the volcano. So yesterday Miss. Christian gave us free reading for homework. There is no russian teacher, no first grade teacher, no third grade teacher, no fifth grade teacher and no fourth grade teacher.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today we just came back from are spring breack . But not all of us well really all we have is five children! Becuase all the airplanes in Europe are closed because there is a volcano named Ejyafjallajokall icplouded and it could ceep on going maybe a year . Well it's a good thing I was here.

Friday, April 09, 2010


Yesterday was Thursday we had break and lunch and library. I thought it was fun. I got 0 books. Today 8 peopl are in class! That is crazy and I mind crazy.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


yestrday was the school play . It was coled Scarlet Sels . It was about a gril named Accole that was whating for a ship whath scarlet sels. She was whating for that ship because a fack wizrd toled Accole that she will be a prinsese whan she will grow up . She watid her hole lith for the ship and all the people ware lathing at har whan she was going to the shop . In the shop a wumen named Ms.Bawer (my reading buddy, Lisette) wrct in the shop and she said that har toys were alave and rell . The toys that wheir in Ms.Bawers shop were rell thay cued tock , denc, sing, move all arauned the shop and they cued do more and more stuth they were lake people in the warld. The toys were a robot (Boo Min), dog (Lindsay) , ragady doll (Heidi), tow solgers (Yoon Seo and Sasha) and a balarena (Lotta). And in the play the prsen ho caim with the ship was not a prince it was a capten of a big ship named Secret . Accole was still happy.

In the aned all the people in the play sang a song but in the bigining the people ho were not the main carektors seng the saim song but the selers startid the song and then the ather carectors came to the staig and startid to sing the song and whan the song was dun we started the play.

The play was presored at School 80. The people ho cude do the play have to be from 2-8 graed.

I was Accole when she was little!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Asia is the biggest and longest continent . In Asia is dry wet hot cold . Asia has many island. Russia is the biggest country.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


yesterday we had art and russian.we did is volum is fun to do math.we did our russian we play'd.we did african reports all day long yesterday.

Monday, April 05, 2010

On Friday we red My Father`s dragon and we finished it. And we had spelling test. We did Friday letter.

Friday, April 02, 2010


Yesterday we had library.This was our first time that we didn`t read a book. When we took books I was drawing a picture and some more kids were also drawing pictures with me. I didn`t take a book . Yesterday we also played an half a hour games. That was realy fun. I just had luck at the last moment because I played my game that I wanted to play. We played an animal match game.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Boo Min

Yesterday was the last day of March. And I colored the wild island and I did Africa something.