Wednesday, September 30, 2009


yester day we lirnded about the rain forest. we lirnded about the plants and animls. after we were done with thate we did poems about the rain forest. we olso had p.e. it wus fun. we olso finished the elchric cupny move. and at last mrs. Hana came.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yesterday we had Russian class.We also had art. We made books we had to color the pappers.
We talked about Rainforest.We made a picture on the back of the writing.It was fun.
We were listening at souds from the Rainforest.I was very exciting.

Monday, September 28, 2009


On Friday our class had p.e. and music and math Lindsay was meteorologist Ciara was line leader and Iwas journal checker I love it . It is September today and I love September very much.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


We were buddie reading Darren and me were buddie reading .this is the place for me. the cow that went oink.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Yesterday we did computers and we did buddies we left a note theres things you cud do in the city fun thing each buddie did one thing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


yesterday we helpt Miss Christion to put her stuff for lexi in her car .Because she was going to get lexi in the orphanage.

Monday, September 21, 2009

On Thursday we do the speling test. And we write the friday letter. And in the art we draw the people.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


yesterday we play basketball and after school is soccer 2:2and we are draw. I like soccer.
We are play fish ball. I like this game this game is teacher is catch we,I'm red. blue touch me.
I don't go. red touch me I'm go

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


yesterday we had budy class and raed weth them i raed apples and pumpkins and Matas raed the dumbunis but after it was lunch time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


We did break we did luch we reading we did tipeing we did math we did art we did Russian we did draring we did inside reses we did look tv we did reading on the paper we did hoze and we did soper kind we did jerno we did math with kecerlater we plad with blaks we went pritering

Monday, September 14, 2009

Soo Min

friday spalingtast is very good.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Yesterday we had art. We had library. By library I taked a book there was my dog is on. And we did computer. And Boggles in art we did droings when art was don we playd bingo and we

playd the thom game.Then it was home time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

lindsay. lindsay.

yesterday we lerad to cont ples ten. We olso had russin class we leran russin thar.It wus olso Ciria and Taria and Darrin/s bethday thae are triplits. thar Mom brug choclite mofins amm thae waer gude. after we ate the mufins thar is a speshil cind of game. it cild fome game you ned to lie down . and no pecing and stick uore fome up and thee peppoi tuch your fume wen sumwun ses [fumes up] . you stand up and you gess ho tuchst your fuome.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Yesterday we tipe on the computer . Some print it out.
Then they colord the pictures. We had fun. When were don we had to

read a book.


Yesterday we tipe on computers our stories. Until it was lunch.

some kids print the stories out.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


yesterday we had russian it was fun I love it . And math with catiters . (calculators -kc)

Monday, September 07, 2009


Wy hed a speling test.Wy hed a 5 mint mef test.The 5 mint mef test hed 100 keutings.A lital tedi neymd Halsey gawd in Ciaras hus.Lotta got the Guessing jar.The supr kid is Tuule.Wy hed so mach fan.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Darren and Fries

Yasterday we play with the lego . Because we talk about atoms. (Everything is made of atoms put together just like legos are put together to make things. -Miss Christian) Fries made a house. And Darren made a fort.

To make a water molecule. Two hydrogen and one oxygen.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


yesterday I had the most links than I got one link mor because of the homework I haf one yellow two blue links that is sefeven links

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Are these monkeys?

No! They're second graders.

And we're ready for a GREAT year.


yesterday we had buddies we did very much fun things they gested hous matroshkas they were my buddies did a good job gesing

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

boo min

yesterday we did math hundred charch. we did water cicle.