Thursday, December 18, 2008


From yesterday all of the chidren went to the Winter concert we all sing sogis. Then we ate sweets.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My name is Sasha. When I be big I,ll like to be Coca Cola man like my Father and to gev pipeus Coca cola.

kobe feet

I want to be a sintes and a pilat.I will deasin nou plans and
safty thiags.crds


Today it was:

What you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a Bussisnes woaman
We all took pictures
I liked it very much
We didn"t have journal and I liked it very much

When I grow up.....Nathan

When I grow up I will a Amreica football man to the Dalls Cowboys.

Seon Min

When I grow up I whant be docter. Bacese, any people are cofe so I give to medesen, and anybody`s body is not good so I give to shot.And 1 more, who hard by the any thing so I pute a band. So Any people never hard.

When Mika grow up then he want a...

When I grow up I want a Inspector because I will chase bad guys. We lon to driw bowt


when I grow up... Yuki

When I grow up I want be Italian chef because I like to cook. I will cook spagetti and pizza.

when I grow up

When I grow up I will be soccer player or a persen looking for all the bones. And then I can now how long ago.

by kealan

when I want to grow up Joseph

When I will be big I want to be robotic.It's neat job because you don't dirty anything.I'm not going to the macanic part i'm going to do the eletronic part.I think i'm going to the eletronic part because you ern more money want to ern1oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so I can buy a manshin and ferari. I want to be richer than Obama and Bush.Ican because when you are a robotic you make robots and send them to space.And I want to be a great violinest a great pinist and a great soocer player and I will ern even more money than I wrote. And Iwil be richer than Bush and Obama. And i hope you like my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I grow up I want to be a art teacher because I can drow good.But I want too do it in Switxerland.

When I grow up I want to be a...

When I grow up I want to be a p.e. Teacher. Because it is runing, jumping and teaching kids. I will make the children do pushups.

by Miriam

when you grow up

Today it was TuesdayDec.16,2008 when you grow up what will you be? I will be a spy or a soccerplayer?

by Niels

Monday, December 15, 2008


On Friday we have friday latrs

Friday, December 12, 2008

Seon Min

Yesterday Kaelan and me we stade south America. but I can`t read all eingish. So Kaelan hlpe me. Then Last stade is very herd.Because in paiper between, next, baneath.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Yesterday we talk about Amazon Rain forest. We learned people cutting Rain Forest's trees because they want to sell it and to farm. But we need Rain Forest because we need oxyen. Plants produce oxygen.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

blog by Jana

Yesterday Yuki had 102 links! We did Super Kid. Miriam was the Super Kid. Miriam does not like brokely.

(Miss Christian was surprised to learn that Miriam wants to be a p.e. teacher and that her favorite color is red!)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

joseph's news

Yesterday me and Neals did the big spelling test. We had to do the big spelling the other day but we were sick. So I also missed part of art. On the other spelling test I got 97 that was almost 100.

Yesterday we also learned about llamas. My favorite part is when the llama spits. We also watched a crazy video about a llama going to the dentist.

In the video I liked when the dentist started to clean the llamas mouth.And I liked the end too.

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
Goin' to the dentist today

Seems a little crazy
Guess you're just too lazy
You gotta get your teeth cleaned today

Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin 'to the dentist ooo-eee
Yes, it's just my llama and me

Tell me if you feel afraid
Remember just to whisper softly into my ear
I won't leave and go away
You know I'm gonna be right here

Open up wide now
Let him look inside now
'Cause after this we'll go on our way

I won't let him hurt you
I'll be right there beside you
And I can tell that you'll be okay

Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin' to the dentist oooo-eee
Yes, it's just my llama and me

'Cause after this we'll go on out and play...

Me and my llama
Me and my llama
The sun is bright and now we are free
Yes, it's just my llama and me

Monday, December 08, 2008

kealan's news

On thursday, it was kobe's birthday. On friday I got a wii and had conferences. On saturday it was Oran's birthday Mathyou and Harrey had a sleep over.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


my ticher said pout my bacoogoun. we werc well at P.E.

by Kobe

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Where in the world...

WHERE are all the second graders?!??

Nathan is in America. He went for Thanksgiving and still isn't back.

Sasha is in Bulgaria. He needed a new visa.

Leo is leaving today for Christmas in Korea. He won't be back until January.

Niels hit his head and has been home for two weeks.

We miss our friends! But, we are busy, busy, BUSY working here in second grade.


On Thuesday, we have budies. I read a 2 books. I have 2 budies but Seem read with Kealan. So I read with 1budie. On Wednesday I go to Korea. byLeo.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Mika's news

Yasdaday I wos blogger. In ouer bos grub mac North Amareca. We pod the animalsfrom North Amarica. by Mika

Monday, December 01, 2008

A hole weekend with Halsey

On Friday I took Home Halsey.He is a curious bear that lives in our classroom.When I and Halsey where inside my home we looked at t.v. It was a little of swedish.Then my mom said it is time for diner.The diner was smasht putatoes and sasges. by Miriam