Tuesday, December 18, 2007

second grade

in stoodent today wec raped prezents for the ofens .

Monday, December 17, 2007

today we finished are pen pal cards. More tomarow.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Oran one hundred twelth links [112 links]. And Miss Christain is back!!!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday, A.A.S.S.P had a winter concert. But Miss Christian was not here! Instaed we had Miss Ira. We also had pizza!!! We also had bus partners.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

a letter to 2nd grade

Dear second grade,

I hope you had a great day at school today and learned LOTS! I'm sure you were kind and helpful to Mrs. Ira and to one another. Did you remember to do caught being kind today? I can't wait to see what's in the box!

Do you remember when the doctor told My Naughty Little Sister she was "not a well girl"? The doctor told me the same thing. He told me I have to stay in bed for five days and take some medicine. That means I won't be in school for the rest of this week.

I am so sorry I'll miss hearing your stories tomorrow! I'm sure you'll all be fantastic. We'll have our own storytelling next week.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, there will be no homework so that families can celebrate St. Nikolas Day. (There will still be a spelling test on Thursday, though, so practice tonight.)

Be kind and helpful, respectful and responsible while I'm gone. I'll see you on Monday!

Miss Christian ;>