Friday, August 31, 2007

AASSP song

We are the students of AASSP
We come from countries, near and far
We have Americans, Dutch and Swedes and more
We're all for one! We're one for all! We're AASSP

We investigate to find out why
Read, write and multiply
We care and share
And when it's time we say goodbye

To the friends we've made at AASSP
We're all for one! We're one for all! We're AASSP

Thursday, August 30, 2007


today is may bisdy

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


today we did rid bookes.


yestderday we learned the three states of matter solids liquid and gas we played a game when I say gas you go and run anywhere if I say solid you will smash in to kids if I say liquid you flow

Monday, August 27, 2007


malikiulsz ant rid ant plai auzaid ant writ ant wi pla

Thursday, August 23, 2007


we played a fun maths game today it was with numbers.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We hav fun homewirk.

here we are!

Here are the second graders on the first day of school. (We're waiting for two of our classmates to return from the USA.) We have 16 students in our class from 12 different countries!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We was making dols thet shows waht countrey .


Welcome to another year of our blog! Check with us daily to see what's going on in second grade. This is a great way to share what's happening at school with friends and family members around the world.

As soon as our classroom computers are up and running, this blog will be written by the second graders themselves. Watch this space!

Miss Christian ;>