Tuesday, November 28, 2006

favourite foods

We tally-marked to show what our class' favourite foods are. (We guessed pasta for Eliana.)Here are the results:
grain group: 4
meat group: 4
fruit and vegetables:6
dairy group: 0

Monday, November 27, 2006

Uranus by Georg

I lirnd that Uranus have hot wather ensaid. It is teppt on its seede.

Friday, November 24, 2006

a quick blog

"I'm different from a Pilgrim child because I don't have to do as much work." by Sung Je

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today we did every thanksgiving stuff. We made deleshos soup and ate it. The indians helped most of the piligrams to build there homes and strets and plant food. by Sasha

for Eliana

Dear Eliana,

We were thinking of you today. We know that you are celebrating Thanksgiving in America. We celebrated today, too. We all made a soup together. We invited grades 4/5 to our room and they brought popcorn! We had many Thanksgiving activities. We've really enjoyed learning about the Pilgrims, their journey to a new country and how they made that country their home.

We had a great day! We hope you have a great Thanksgiving, too.

AASSP second grade

22 blog.

Yesterday we did misce. We did we wish you a Merry Chismus.It was fun. I like misce.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


In art we painted our rockets. In rushen we saing a soing

Monday, November 20, 2006


Today we have for homework facts about Jupiter and read and log.And we learnd about 3-D shapes. My favorit was P,E,.


FRANCE by Leah

Miss Christian was in FRANCE. She had a maeting. She brot us some nice sweets from Nice.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Today we will have a new music techer.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Tomoro is Jan's last day. We will have a prdy tomoroe.

back again

We've had some problems with posting on blogger of late. But, it looks like we're up and running again!

Parents, would you please comment (or send me a note) and let me know if it's helpful to have the information included on your homework sheets included here? If the homework sheet is sufficient, then I'll let this blog be simply the students' insights into our days.

With thanks,

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sarahs news

The playgrand was very wet. It was fun.