Thursday, September 28, 2006


we linde abate wethr. we had the cadi. and we had no senno. and we had 4 rane.

(We learned about weather. We had the most cloudy. And we had no snowy. And we had 4 rainy.) Jan

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


We lorn a baut echo location.We lorn a baut dolphins.

book orders

Second grade's book orders are going home today. Please return them along with payment by MONDAY if you're interested in ordering books.

Miss Christian ;>

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Today we lernd abawt orcas. Orcas are killer whals. They do not kill peepel.



I forgot to blog. Yesterday we made whales. Leah and I made a humpback. My favarite whale is the blue whale. By C.E.T.

Monday, September 25, 2006

bits and bobs

We are glad to welcome Karolina to our class.

There is no school for students this Friday. Enjoy your long weekend!

Spelling words this week: high, sigh, night, knight, right, might, light, bright, delight, frighten, height

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The late bus.

This MORNING the bus was 15m late. I couden,t do my jornal. Sasha

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Today we did a sappling and a math game.It was fun.

breaking news

Here are some photos from last week's boat trip on the Neva. We all enjoyed seeing our city from a different perspective. As you can see, the weather was great!

We are excited to be welcoming a new student to our class next week. Karolina is from Czech Republic. She is just starting to learn English. The four girls in our class are especially glad that she is joining us!

Spelling words this week are homophones again: your, you're, whale, wail, tale, tail, sale, sail, see, sea

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


To day we had rushen and now we have art. We lernd about right whales.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Today we had P,E,and libary we had fun.


In friday

in friday we did speling, russian and friday letter. It was fun day. Ken

Thursday, September 14, 2006

bout trip

Today we went to a bout trip it was fun. Sung Je

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

blue whale.

Today we meahrd houe loga a blue whale is. We lond that the whale is biga then the hol closs. by Leah


My apologies for the difficulties with blogger this week. I'm going to re-post our spelling words and hope that everything is now sorted out.

We have homophones for spelling words this week: to, too, two, there, their, they're, here, hear, deer, dear

We are working hard on having self-control in the classroom.

On Thursday, we will be taking a field trip. Instead of the canal trip through the city that was originally planned, we'll be taking a guided hydrofoil tour around St. Petersburg.

Miss Christian

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

two for the price of one

(Yesterday, due to blogger problems, we couldn't blog. So, here you have an updat for TWO days.)

We hfd sembeli we had fun and we ted dabels Georg

I lont that a mammls have live babied. Leah

Friday, September 08, 2006

Rainy Friday

eliana. I had a good day. We did a Friday letter.

assembly delayed

Our assembly is postponed due to rain. Everybody sing along: "Second grade, second grade, it's raining. It's raining again!"

Seoncd grade looked GREAT today in all their blue and white. We have great Panther pride! Be sure to show that pride to the whole school on Monday. Wear your blue and white then.

Miss Christian

Thursday, September 07, 2006

7 Sept.

We did art.I love you. E.T.


At p,e, we played hocky but we did not win but it's okay because it's just a game.

by Sung Je

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yestoday we did art it was fun we cuted out shapes and glued them on a other paper.SASHA!!

Monday, September 04, 2006


We luned a song with grade 1 it was colled the rain song. We will sing the rain song at the asemblly on fiday.It was fun. by Sarah

bits and bobs

Happy September!

This week our spelling words are: main, pain, rain, paid, wait, stain, stair, chair, again, said.

Join us on Saturday for our school picnic from 11:00-2:00. We'd love to see you there.

Friday, September 01, 2006

fire drill

We did go praketes fire drill and we whent to rushen clas
